(13.7) Contact Center Fail Over Handling
The application currently only supports handling the failover of Cisco Unified CCX within the application.
When the CCX Master node fails over to the subscriber node, the subscriber node becomes the new Master. Due to this change, calls start landing on the new Master node, hence, all the real-time stats in CCX are refreshed and the count starts from zero as if the deployment is refreshed. This also affects the real-time stats shown on the EF application.
All the real-time data displayed in the following display types may affect with the CCX failover:
- Speedometer
- PIE Chart
- Doughnut Chart
- Scorecards (all variations)
- Data Table
However, all the historical stats in the Wallboard application remain unchanged. This means that the historical views, the Bar Chart and Line Chart, will not be affected by the CCX failover and will continue to show/update the historical data.
CCE Failover handling is not supported for now.