.System Limitations v13.6.3

.System Limitations v13.6.3



In some scenarios, Our wallboard starts showing extra stats as compared to the

Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval.

In some scenarios, Our wallboard starts showing extra stats as compared to the

Contact Service Queue Activity Report by Interval.

The reason for that is wallboard synchronizer is showing all the calls in Answered having disposition= 2, but CUIC is not only considering the disposition but also the Talktime & UserId. If the call gets dropped after getting picked due to any reason, CUIC will not show that call but the wallboard will.

CCX 11.0 is not offering Blind/Direct transfer, so the test cases related to Blind/Direct transfer were discarded in this release.CCX 11.0 is not offering Blind/Direct transfer, so the test cases related to Blind/Direct transfer were discarded in this release.

During the load test, we observed a stats mismatch between Real-time and historical stats in ccx 11.0

During the load test, we observed a stats mismatch between Real-time and historical stats in ccx 11.0
SLA for multiple or all queues

If a single queue is selected on the gadget, the SLA is calculated by using one of the configured formulas. See Integration Specifications with CCX to see how SLA is calculated for an individual queue.

  • When multiple queues are added to the gadget, the SLA is calculated as the following: 
  • {(Calls Handled (or handled within SL) in Q1 + Calls Handled (Or handled within SL) in Q2  + Calls Handled (Or handled within SL) in Qn /Calls Presented in Q1+ Calls presented in Q2 + Calls presented in Qn)*100}

    • The SLA is always calculated across all or multiple queues with the above formula irrespective of the display type (Scorecard, speedometer, etc...) 
    • The SLA values for individual queues can be compared with UCCX's Contact Service Queue Service Level Priority Summary Report, column, %Service Level Met

Maximum Talk Time across multiple queuesWhen more than one queue is added to the gadget, the gadget shows the maximum talk time of a call (across all queues).
Maximum Wait Time across multiple queues When more than one queue is added to the gadget, the gadget shows the maximum time a call waited in the queue (out of all queues).
Select the Just Scan option using the TV

Just scan is a 1:1 pixel mapping picture size, which eliminates overscan. This is useful when using the TV as a PC monitor because PCs do not have overscan, so some of the PC images would be cut off. By using Just Scan, the picture fills the screen just as it should.

Tested on a 32-inches screenWallboard displays are tested on a 32-inches screen
Font size enhancements are implemented only for the Scorecard gadget

Font size enhancements are implemented only for the Scorecard gadget. See the following limitations in terms of the font size of the data values in the cards:

  • Font sizes are changed to variable units for data cards and will change according to the available screen width/height.
  • Font sizes are applied based on the maximum number of cards that can appear in a gadget. Therefore, in some cases, the font size may seem to be small but it is adjusted according to multiple cards perspective.
  • These font enhancements and resizeable cards are applied only to the Scorecard gadgets.
SSO enabled UCCX/UCCE  User tries to login SSO enabled agent with SSO disabled settings from the environment variables than for UCCX agent will not log in to the wallboard and for UCCE agent is able to login into the wallboard application
Timezone implementation is for the historical dataThe timezone variable in the Environment Variables applies only to the historical data. The gadgets used for historical data are Line and Bar charts.
Use Agent Data Service to view agent stats summary 

To view the real-time summary of call center agent states (Ready, Not Ready, Talking), it is suggested to use the Agent Data Service with Pie/Doughnut display type. This is because an agent can have multiple skills and hence, could be a part of multiple queues, viewing agent states summary queue-wise might not depict the true picture of the call center.

Use Data table (for individual agent stats) display type to view the individual agent stats team-wise. 

Date and Time on the dashboard/wallboard on the final link Date and Time of the Dashboards&Wallboards are based on the machine/browser settings where it is opened.
In CCE, an agent in the "Talking" state is also reflected in the "Ready" stateIn CCE, an agent in the "Talking" state is also reflected in the "Ready" state.
For CCE, a call that gets abandoned after getting routed to an agent by skill group is not available for reportingA call that gets abandoned by the customer after being routed to an agent is not available for reporting purposes and thus, is not shown in the EF dashboards. However, this may affect the SLA of the skill group.
For CCE, the application currently only displays stats based on skill groups and not on precision queues/ call typesFor CCE, the application currently only displays stats based on skill groups and not on precision queues or call types.  
Only the call center calls are available for reporting on EF dashboards & wallboards Only the inbound voice calls routed by the call center are reported on the dashboards. This means that any internal, ACD, outbound calls or other non-inbound customer calls are NOT available for reporting on wallboards for now. 

The range of speedometer display type provides two options:

  • -100 to +100 
  • 0 to 100 (use this option while displaying the SLA)

The range of speedometer display type provides two options:

  • -100 to +100 
  • 0 to 100 (use this option while displaying the SLA)
Any changes made to the dashboard configurations are not automatically reflected on the dashboard linkRefresh the browser tab to reflect any changes that are made to the dashboard configuration (such as changes to the name, background color, company logo, dashboard gadgets (added, removed, updated))
Any changes made to the dashboard group configurations are reflected only on the browser refreshAny changes made to the dashboard group configurations (such as Auto-scroll flag, auto-scroll time changes) are reflected only on the browser refresh