.Upgrade Guide v13.3

.Upgrade Guide v13.3

This guide is valid for the following wallboard release

Source Release

Destination Release

Deployment Mode, 13.4.1Singleton/HA

Deploy New Release

  1. Stop the current release containers. 
  2. Download the deployment script deploy-wallboard.sh and place it in the separate directory (do not overlap it with the current release directory) and Run it.

    # chmod +x deploy-wallboard.sh
    # ./deploy-wallboard.sh
  3. Replace the current-release-deployment-dir/wallboard/docker/docker-compose.yml file with new-release-deployment-dir/wallboard/docker/docker-compose.yml file.
  4. Replace the current-release-deployment-dir/wallboard/docker/umm-variables.env file with new-release-deployment-dir/wallboard/docker/umm-variables.env.
  5. Update the UMM environment variables old-release-deployment-dir/wallboard/docker/umm-variables.env in the file. For details see this document.
  6. Run the following commands on the wallboard database in SQL Server Management Studio.

    delete from  queue_stats_historical_ccx
    Alter table queue_stats_historical_ccx
    add sync_date varchar(255) null, session_id bigint null
  7. Execute the following commands inside the old-release-deployment-dir/wallboard/ directory.

    # chmod 755 install.sh
    # ./install.sh
  8. Run the following command to ensure that all the components are up and running. 

    # docker ps
  9. Repeat these setups on other machines if the solution is deployed in HA