(14.0) VRS Machine Pre-Configurations

(14.0) VRS Machine Pre-Configurations

Step 1: SIP Profiles

Navigate to the directory "/etc/freeswitch/sip_profilels/"

Open the file "external.xml" using any available  text editor. (Below example will use Vi editor but you can use any other).

# sudo vi external.xml

Go to the end of the file and paste the following line before the <settings> tag:


                <param name="enable-3pcc" value="true"/>

Next, open the file "internal.xml"

#sudo vi internal.xml

Go to the end of the file and paste the following lines:


                <param name="parse-all-invite-headers" value="true"/>
                <param name="enable-3pcc" value="true"/>

Step 2: Dialplan

Navigate to the directory "/etc/freeswitch/dialplans/"

Open the "public.xml" dialplan and add the lines after the “public_conference_extension”

<extension name="CUCM Recording Profile">
        <action application="log" data="INFO Entering Call from CUCM"/>
        <condition field="${sip_from_host}" expression="CUCM_IP">
                <action application="lua" data="record.lua"/>

The "CUCM_IP" needs to be replaced with the IP address of the CUCM installation

Note that the file name "record.lua" may vary according the lua script available to you.

Step 3: Access Control List (ACL)

Navigate to the directory "/etc/freeswitch/autoload_configs/"

Open the file "acl.conf.xml" and add the following line “<node type="allow" cidr="<CUCM_IP>/32"/>” under the "<node type="allow" domain="$${domain}"/>" line. (Replace <CUCM_IP> with the IP address of your CUCM installation)

<node type="allow" domain="$${domain}"/>
<node type="allow" cidr="<CUCM_IP>/32"/>     <!--- Add this line and replace "<CUCM_IP>" with the IP address of your CUCM installation -->

Step 4: Utilities

Install the following utilities by running the commands:

#sudo apt install -y lua-socket
#sudo apt install -y lua-dkjson

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