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.VRS Finesse gadget deployment v13.3.1

Follow the below steps to deploy the Finesse gadget 

  1. The gadget files are in /recording-solution/Gadget Directory
  2. Update the VRS IP in the VRSGadget.js file on line 62
  3. Copy the files to Finesse using FileZilla or any other FTP client to VRSGadget folder (create the folder on Finesse)
  4. Once files are copied, login to https://finesse.ip:8445/cfadmin
  5. Click on Team Resources, click on a team and edit the text that describes the Finesse desktop. Locate <role>agent</role> and add below lines after

        <label>Voice Recording Solution</label> 
  6. Login an agent with nocache. If a user is already created in Keycloak with the same username and password as the Finesse agent username and password, then the agent will auto login to the VRS gadget. The agent will be able to see only his recordings on Gadget.