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.Setup Keycloak for VRS v13.3

Follow below steps for setting up keycloak for VRS

  1. Go to http://VRS-MACHINE-IP:8088 and click on Administration console
  2. Login to the administration console using the password set in environment variables (KEYCLOAK_USERNAME and KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD). Default username is admin and password is admin
  3. Bring cursor to the Master  (below keycloak logo) and click on Add realm button 
  4. Enter Realm name and click on Create button

  5. Once Realm is created, click on clients under the created realm and then click create

  6. Enter Client ID vrs, keep the rest default and click on save
  7. Once it is created, change the Access Type to confidential, enter http://localhost:8080 in Valid Redirect URIs and click on save
  8. Once the client is saved, a new tab with the name Credentials will be added, click on that and copy the Secret.
  9. The Client ID (client name) and Secret will be used in environment variables (KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID and KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET)
  10. In Roles tab, create two roles with name agent and admin

  11. Users can be created by Clicking on Users menu under Manage. Click on add user
  12. Enter user name (same as Finesse agent username), keep the rest default and click on Save.
  13. Once user is created, click on Credentials tab and enter password for the user (same as Finesse password). Toggle the Temporary 
    button to OFF 
  14. Go to Role Mappings and assign  client roles, either agent or admin or both