User Guide v14.0

User Guide v14.0

Logging in

ExpertFlow applications have a central User Management and Authentication module that automatically synchronizes contact center agents, and supervisors from Cisco and allows any contact center agent to log into the application with the same credentials, without the need to create a new username/password in the application. However, administrators can also create local user accounts to access particular users.  

Login into the applicaiton

  • Open the application
  • On the logging page enter your username and password
  • Click LogIn

Create a Dashboard

To create a new dashboard

  1. Click Dashboards on the left side menu
  2. On the Dashboard page, click New and select New Dashboard from the dropdown menu.
  3. On the dashboard, click + Add visualization

4. Select Data Source

5. Click the refresh dashboard icon to query the data source

6. When you’ve finished editing your panel, click Save to save the dashboard. Alternatively, click Apply if you want to see your changes applied to the dashboard first. Then click the save icon in the dashboard header.

7. Add a descriptive name for the dashboard, and then click Save.

Congratulations, you have created your first dashboard and it is displaying results.

Configure Threshold

A threshold is a value that you specify for a metric that is visually reflected in a dashboard when the threshold value is met or exceeded. Thresholds provide one method for you to style and color your visualizations based on query results conditionally. You can apply thresholds to most, but not all, visualizations.

You can use thresholds to:

  • Color grid lines or grid areas
  • Color lines
  • Color the background or value text
  • Color the gauge and threshold markers
  • Color markers
  • Color cell text or background
  • Define regions and region colors

There are two types of thresholds:

  • Absolute thresholds are defined by a number. For example, 80 on a scale of 1 to 150.
  • Percentage thresholds are defined relative to minimum or maximum. For example, 80 percent.

Default thresholds

On visualizations that support it, Grafana sets default threshold values of:

  • 80 = red
  • Base = green
  • Mode = Absolute

The Base value represents minus infinity. It is generally the “good” color.

Add or delete the threshold

You can add as many thresholds to a panel as you want. Grafana automatically sorts threshold values from highest to lowest.

Delete a threshold when it is no longer needed. When you delete a threshold, the system removes the threshold from all visualizations that include the threshold.

  • To add a threshold:
    a. Edit the panel to which you want to add a threshold.
    b. In the options side pane, locate the Thresholds section and click + Add threshold.
    c. Select a threshold color, number, and mode. Threshold mode applies to all thresholds on this panel.
    d. For a time-series panel, select a Show thresholds option.
  • To delete a threshold, navigate to the panel that contains the threshold and click the trash icon next to the threshold you want to remove.

Change UI Theme

The theme affects how Wallboard displays graphs, menus, and other UI elements. Default is either the dark theme or the theme selected in a higher level. For example, if an Organization administrator set the Light theme that is then the default for all the teams in that organization.

Dark Theme

Here is an example of the dark theme


Light Theme

Here is an example of the light theme

  1. Change Server UI Theme: As a Wallboard server administrator, you can change the default Grafana UI theme for all users who are on the server by setting the default_theme option in the configuration file.
  2. Change Organization UI Theme: Organization administrators can change the UI theme for all users in an organization.
    • Click Administration in the left-side menu.
    • Click Default preferences.
    • In the Preferences section, select the UI theme.
    • Click Save.
  3. Change Team UI Theme: Organization and team administrators can change the UI theme for all users on a team.
    • Click Administration in the left-side menu and select Teams.
    • Click the team for which you want to change the UI theme.
    • Click the Settings tab.
    • In the Preferences section, select the UI theme.
    • Click Save.
  4. Change Your Personal UI Theme: You can change the UI theme for your user account. This setting overrides UI theme settings at higher levels.
    • Click the user icon in the top right corner of the page and select Profile.
    • In the Preferences section, select the UI theme.
    • Click Save.

Change Timezone

By default, the timezone used is the one in your web browser. However, you can override this setting at the server, organization, team, or individual user level. This topic provides instructions for each task.

  1. Set server timezone: Server administrators can choose a default timezone for all users on the server by setting the default_timezone option in the configuration file.
  2. Set Organization timezone: Organization administrators can choose a default timezone for their organization
    • Click Administration in the left-side menu.
    • Click Default preferences.
    • Click to select an option in the Timezone list. Default is either the browser's local timezone or the timezone selected at a higher level.
    • Click Save.
  3. Set Team timezone: Organization administrators and team administrators can choose a default timezone for all users on a team. 
    • Click Administration in the left-side menu select Teams.
    • Click the team for which you want to change the timezone.
    • Click the Settings tab.
    • Click to select an option in the Timezone list. Default is either the browser's local timezone or the timezone selected at a higher level.
    • Click Save.
  4. Set Personal timezone: You can change the timezone for your user account. This setting overrides timezone settings at higher levels. 
    • Click the user icon in the top right corner of the page and select Profile.
    • Click to select an option in the Timezone list. Default is either the browser's local timezone or the timezone selected at a higher level.
    • Click Save.

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