( Solution Components and Architecture

( Solution Components and Architecture

Component level network diagram

Siebel CTI Connector solution consists of:

  • Siebel CTI Driver - the driver installed on Siebel Communication Server to interact with Siebel CTI infrastructure and enables CTI controls for a Siebel agent.

  • Generic Connector - the telephony connector working as a middleware between Cisco contact center infrastructure via Cisco Finesse and Siebel CTI Driver

Figure: EF Siebel CTI Connector Solution Components

Communication Flow Diagram

Solution components communicate over different TCP/IP channels as explained below.


Communication Pattern

Siebel Driver

Connects with GC over OpenWire for bidirectional communication


A telephony middleware between Driver and Cisco Finesse. It establishes a local connection with ActiveMQ for bidirectional async communication on OpenWire protocol.

With Cisco Finesse, GC communicates via RESTFul web services and XMPP.

Connector Monitor

Web console monitoring of the Connector via HTTP/HTTPS

Communication Flow for an Agent Login

This is a sample and a happy path flow of messages for an operation.

When client logs into Siebel Web and tries to login on the communication toolbar, the flow of communication between the Siebel CTI Connector solution components is described below.

  1. The Driver sends a Hello message to GC.

  2. If the connector is alive and receives the Driver’s request, it responds with a System IN_SERVICE message.

  3. The Driver sends a Connect() request to GC

  4. GC checks if it doesn’t already have this agent’s subscription, it requests Cisco Finesse for agent’s subscription.

  5. The Driver then sends a Login request with agent Id, password, and extension.

    1. If “UseSecurePassword” is set, then agent password is encrypted with Triple-DES before forwarding the request.

  6. GC forwards the login request to Cisco Finesse

    1. If “UseSecurePassword” is set, the Connector decrypts the password before forwarding the request to Cisco Finesse.

  7. Cisco Finesse shares updated agent state if the login happens successfully.

  8. GC responds with update agent-state and dialog state if there’s already an active call for this agent.

For further details about GC communication patterns for its clients, refer to Generic Connector SDK.


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