2023-05-19_05-07-33_Communication Flow Diagram
2023-05-19_05-07-33_Communication Flow Diagram
Salesforce connector solution makes use of Open CTI API to integrate Cisco Finesse CTI with Salesforce call center. In order to communicate with Cisco Finesse, the solution makes use of Cisco Ajax XMPP Library. In order to establish a connection with finesse, the Cisco Ajax XMPP library uses port 7443 / 8445 / 8443 for Https connection and 7442 for HTTP connection.
Data Flow :
- Customer Call reaches the Cisco IVR, UCCE / PCCE / UCCX
- Cisco route the call to the best available agent.
- EF Salesforce Connector, receive the notification from Cisco that the call is coming.
- EF Salesforce Connector, display a popup message in Salesforce Connector and Connector will also do the screen pop in Salesforce Based on customer calling number by calling OpenCTI APIs
- Once the agent accepts the call, EF Salesforce Connector connects the call with the customer by calling Cisco Finesse APIs
- After that agent will perform all his operations on the Salesforce CRM, the CTI interface will only be involved to perform the CTI Operation like Consult / Transfer / Conference the call to a different agents/supervisors.
- Once the Call ends, EF Salesforce Connector will create the task in the Salesforce. The task field details are available in the Business Feature Guide.