Unexpected Scenarios

Unexpected Scenarios

Logout Request Failed

When the system tries to logout agent forcefully following force logout policy, agent logout doesn’t happen and EF Connector logs an error message with a bad request. However, if we try to logout agent on Finesse directly, it works fine.

Possible Cause(s)

  1. EF Connector uses a default logout reason when logging out agents forcefully. If this reason code is not defined in Cisco Finesse as a logout reason, the system does not log agent out.


  • If there’s no logout reason created in Cisco Finesse, create one.

  • Specify the value for DEFAULT_LOGOUT_REASON property to match the logout reason code ID defined in Cisco Finesse.

No Active Consumer on Destination Connector1

EF Connector is running but there’s no active consumer on the queue Connector1 in ActiveMQ.

Possible Cause(s)

When EF Connector can’t establish connection to Cisco Finesse, it goes out of service and closes its subscription from ActiveMQ. It reopens subscription only when it can reestablish connectivity with any of the configured Cisco Finesse instances. 

In Generic Connector log file, you’ll see a message like following:

"Primary-Finesse[http://finesse10-5.ef.com/finesse/api/-false, Secondary-Finesse[http://finesse10-5sub.ef.com/finesse/api/-false, ConnectedTo [0]"


Check connectivity with Cisco Finesse. You can verify following:

  1. Are the necessary ports open between EF Connector and Cisco Finesse?

  2. Verify that the DNS settings are accurate in EF Connector.

  3. If you found “Exception in System Info: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification” in ef_connector logs, this issue is caused by SSL certificate.  You need to perform following steps:
    - You need to add the certificate for finesse to the keystore file of the used JVM located at "%JAVA_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts"
    - First you can check if your certificate is already in the keystore by running the following command: keytool -list -keystore "%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts" (default password:  changeit)
    - If your certificate is missing you can get it by downloading it with your browser and add it to the keystore with the following command: "keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias <AliasName> -file   <certificate_path> -keystore <KeystoreFile (%JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/cacerts)> -storepass <Password>"
    After import you can run the first command again to check if your certificate was added.
    - Restart GC to take effect.

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