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.CUIC Reports Deployment v13.2

This document provides detailed information on the steps required for the deployment of Expertflow ECM Standard reports in Cisco CUIC. It explains each configuration step with screenshots to ease the user with the successful deployment. The subsequent sections of this document will explain in detail the necessary configuration and deployment method.


Follow the steps below to deploy the reports in CUIC.

Step 1 – Database Verification

Check that the ECM database (with the associated tables) is successfully created in the SQL Server.

Step 2 – Data Source Configuration

Follow the below steps for the configuration in CUIC

  1. Go to Configure >> Select Data Sources

  2. After clicking on the Data Sources option, the page will navigate you to the Data Sources Configuration page.

  3. From the configuration page, select New from the top right corner of the page to create a new data source.

  4. Enter the Name, Description, and Data Source Type.
  5. Click Next to open the Host Setting Page
  6. Enter the IP of the Data Source Host (This will be the IP of the SQL Server where the database is created).
  7. Enter the Port number (The default SQL port is 1433)
  8. Enter the name of the database
  9. Select the Time Zone
  10. Enter the Database User ID for authentication with the database (The default SQL user ID is “sa” if configured during the SQL installation)
  11. Select the Charset (the default for SQL is “ISO-8859-1”)
  12. Select the Max Pool Size (the default is “100”)
  13. Click on Test Connection.
    1. If the output is Online then the configuration went successful.
    2. If the result is Offline then click on Show Error Details to check the reason and resolve accordingly.
  14. Click Save.

Step 3 – Reports Deployment

After the successful configuration of the data source, the next step is to import ECM reports in the CUIC application.

Download the reports from here and place them on the server. Follow the steps mentioned below for reports deployment.

  1. Click on Reports >> Import, page, as shown

  2. Click on Browse and select the path where ECM reports are downloaded. You can download them from here.
  3. Drop down the Save to Folder option and choose the location where you want to save them

  4. Click Upload
  5. Drop down and select Report Definition Data Source (Configured during Step 2)

  6. Drop Down and Select Value List Data Source (Configured during Step 2)

  7. Click the Select checkbox
  8. Click on Import to finalize the report deployment process.