

  1. Customer call rings on Finesse Agent Desktop.

  2. The application looks up the customer record based on the ANI.

  3. If a matching record is found, the customer profile is popped up in front of the agent. The interaction automatically gets linked to the selected customer. To link the call with a different customer, choose the right profile from the Customer list sidebar on the Interaction History page and click the Link button.
  4. If no existing record is found against the ANI, the application provides the options to choose an existing customer manually or create a new customer profile. To link the call with an existing customer, choose the right profile from the Customer list sidebar on the Interaction History page and click the Link button. 

If the agent or supervisor does not accept the call (after the call has landed on the Finesse desktop), the call interaction is still stored in CIM, tagged with the agent name to whom it was routed.