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(1.0) Release Notes

Target release1.0
Target release date





GI-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Document status


Document ownerHaseeb Tahir
DevelopersSaqib Sana
QAHaseeb Tahir

Release Summary

Integration between Genesys embeddable framework and Microsoft Dynamics 365 using the channel Integration Framework. 

This embedded CTI Connector runs inside the Microsoft CRM Web UI. It enables agent/call controls within MS CRM allowing agents to use the same CRM agent interface for all call handling and transfer. The Web CTI Connector has the following feature set.


CTI Call Controls

Controls/buttons on the toolbar change based on the current state of the agent/call and the telephony event fired from the contact cecentreUsing the communication toolbar, the agent can perform the following actions,

  • Accept an incoming call
  • Hold/Resume/End call
  • Consultative or blind call transfer
  • Conference call
  • Call wrap-up

Agent State Controls

  • Login - Agents first log on to MS CRM. Manual login to Genesys CTI by entering valid credentials.
  • Logout - The agent will need to explicitly logout from the CTI toolbar by providing the Logout Reason Code 
  • OnQueue / Away /Break - The agent may change the availability status to “On-queue” to receive contact centre calls or may change it to any of the “Away/Break” states for a break.

Caller Information Popup on Call Arrival (ScreenPop)

The caller information is displayed on the MS CRM Web Page as soon as the call arrives. If multiple contacts match the connector shows all those contacts for you to choose from.

Phone Call Activity / Call Wrap-up

A phone call activity is automatically created and linked to the matched caller account in Microsoft CRM.  The selected wrap-up code is applied in Genesys only for inbound calls. So, there would be no wrap-up codes after the manual outbound call. You can track the call handling status via native Genesys reports. Missed call activity will also be created in MS CRM.

Click to Call

Click to dial feature allows the user to select any number corresponding to a contact record and an outbound call will be initiated to that number.


Without the click-to-dial feature, the user can’t dial a call while clicking on any number from the MS CRM.

Open Issues 1.0

key summary type status

Release Test Highlights

  • This release is tested with Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud base CRM only.

Compatibility Matrix

Browser Compatibility




Google Chrome 

115.0.5790.111 (64-bit)


Firefox105.0.3 (32-bit)Compatible

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Compatibility

MS CRM 365

Tested Version





Release Limitations

  • Do not login to the same agent on different browsers or different machines.
  • In the case of a Consult call, On Agent B, System will do the screen pop based on customer ANI.
  • There's no refresh browser functionality for this release.
  • VPN connection/WebEx/TeamViewer is required to connect to the customer’s environment.
  • Admin access to Dynamics CRM is required to deploy CRM side configurations.
  • Can't consult on a consult call (when a consult call is already in progress)
  • No call activity will be created for No match case in CRM.
  • Caller's information screen pop-up on MS CRM is only available in contact entity.
  • HA (High Availability) is not supportive for this version.
  • No wrap-up and call notes for manual OB calls.
  • Phone call activity for multi-match case is unavailable for this release.
  • The Hold call will gets resume from pickup call button during consult and conference call.
  • Click to dial can be performed from customer's contact form by clicking on phone icon.
  • Outbound calls can only be initiated on registered phone numbers.
  • Agent will unable to initiate & answer the calls with insufficient balance in Genesys.