Installation Guide V12.3

Installation Guide V12.3


To provide installation prerequisites, system requirements and installation instructions.


Following are the mandatory prerequisites for a smooth installation.

Min Hardware Requirements


Minimum requirement


2 cores


4 GB


50 GB


1 NIC per VM

Software Requirements


Minimum requirement


CentOS 7

SQL Server

  • 2014/Express, 2016/Standard, Enterprise. (Only in case if the client is not using MySQL).
  • Mysql Server 5.5.

Docker CE


Docker compose

Latest version

Installation Files Location

Place all build files provided with the release except “mysql.tar” in /root on all machines where the application’s being deployed.

System Access Requirements

  • Administrative privileges (root) are required to follow the deployment steps.


  • Create a folder named ECM in root 
  • Place docker-compose.yml file in the ECM folder

Loading all images

Load the images in docker engine on all the machines running following commands (execute each command separately, the command starts after $ sign) :

$ docker load < ecm.tar

$ docker load < umm.tar   

$ docker load < ecm-connector.tar  

$ docker load < ecm-services.tar

$ docker load < ecm-frontend.tar


Application Configurations

  • Create new databases in the MySQL server with any names corresponding to umm and ECM and edit the corresponding settings in “docker-compose.yml” file for configuration. Details have been written in the comments.

  • Update the DB name required urls and cisco related (IP, Username, and Password) configuration in the “ecm_variables.env” file. DB configurations for umm can be updated directly in “docker-compose.yml”.


Run the following script on UMM database

INSERT into microservice (version, description, ip_address, name) VALUES(1, 'ExpertFlow Campaign Manager', 'http://ecm:8080', 'ecm');

Log Rotation

Add following lines in /etc/docker/daemon.json file and restart the docker daemon using systemctl. Restart docker on all machines.

{ "log-driver": "json-file",

"log-opts": {

"max-size": "20m", # Max size of the log files.

"max-file": "3" # The maximum number of log files.




  • Start the compose service on all machines (in case of HA, there’d be multiple machines) using the following command:

$ docker-compose.yml up -d

If everything goes well, you should be able to access the application on http://Virtual-IP:8080/umm  (in case of HA) OR http://machine-IP:8080/umm (without HA) after the application boot time (takes around 3 minutes on a 2 core machine).


Logs for each container are available in files as well as within docker daemon. To see the logs for any container, execute docker ps and get the id of the container. Use that id to see the logs using docker logs <container_id>. At any given time, the active machine would be the one with highest keepalived priority, so the logs would be stored there.

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