

See the latest mockups here (Only internal ExpertFlow users can access).

An actual implementation may slightly differ from the mockups.

SrNameDescriptionInternal Reviewer(s)

Customer List

EAP-8609 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to see a list of customers shown in a tabular view. I would like to do the following:

  • Drag columns to reorganize
  • Sort the list (ascending/descending) based on any column
    • Sort alphabetically if the column data type is String
    • Columns with numeric data type should be sorted based on number
    • Columns with Date data type should be sorted based on date/time 
  • Page-wise navigation showing 50 contacts per page by default
    • I should have the option to change the number of contacts per page to 25, 50, or 100
    • The pagination view should show me the page index of the current page
  • Column-wise filtering of the customer's data
    • Remove the search string with one click
  • In addition, I would like to have the following controls on the customer list:
    • Open Customer List Designer
    • Click a Customer record to:
      • Open Customer Profile page on a different page or in a popup
    • Hover a Customer record to:
      • Open Customer interactions view
      • Contact customer via SMS, call
      • Call the customer on any of the customer's given phone numbers
      • Edit Customer Profile
    • Open customer profile on click (default action)

UI Mockup

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations

  • The list of customer attributes shown is generated based on the custom customer schema. 
  • If, at any time, the schema is updated by a CIM user. All other users viewing this list interface will have to refresh it manually to see updated columns.
    • Any CIM user can view the list of all customers with customer-list permissions only (without having any permission on the "Customer" object).
    • Any CIM user can change his/her own list preferences.
  • All CIM users have read permission by default.
  • We support showing up to 500,000 customer records
  • Up to 50 customer attributes can be listed on the Customer List
  • User will have to press "Enter" key after typing in the filter value for any attribute
    • Search suggestions won't be available
  • The home screen after login should remain the customer list where all existing customers are listed with their names by default. Column preferences can later be changed by CIM user at any time. See Customer List Designer.
  • If no customers exist, the disclaimer "No customers found" is displayed by default.


  • CIM users are not notified when schema changes happen.

User Preferences

EAP-8678 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to save my user preferences on the List view until I change it. These preferences include: 

  • Columns order 

Business Assumptions 

Technical Considerations


User preferences are not saved for following settings in this release.

  • Sorting settings of columns 
  • Contacts per page setting 
  • Saqib, Raza, Nabeel (Dev)
  • Shabber (QA)

Customer List designer

EAP-8610 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to:

  • See a list of all available customer attributes in a 2-column view
    • The left column should show all the attributes 
    • The right column should show all the attributes added to the list
  • In the left column (All  Attributes), I would like to
    • Have a search box with a partial search on any customer attribute name
    • Check an attribute to be shown on the list
    • Uncheck the attribute to hide from the list
  • In the right column (Selected Attributes), I would like to 
    • See a list of all attributes in the order shown on the customer list
    • Drag a selected attribute to reorganize its position in the selected-attributes list view

UI Mockup

Similar to what HubSpot does (as attached below).

HubSpot's Contact List Designer

Business Assumptions

  • The list will always have at least one selected attribute at any time. By default, this attribute is the "First Name" of the customer.

Technical Considerations

  • Up to 50 customer attributes can be shown on the Customer List
  • If at any time, the schema is updated by a CIM Admin while I'm on the Customer List Designer, I won't notice the changes made by the admin. 
    • If any of my selected attributes were deleted by the CIM admin, I should get an error message. It's okay if I get the message when I save the changes.


  • We're not adding the grouping of schema attributes

Search Customer

EAP-8622 - Getting issue details... STATUS


With Search, I must be able to:

  • Search a customer based on any Customer attribute such as name, phone number, customer lists (it belongs to) etc
  • Do partial search without having to type the full string
  • Remove the search string with one click

Business Assumptions

  • The search should be efficient enough to show results in a few seconds 

Technical Considerations

  • We'll provide column-wise filtering of the customer's data, i.e. users can search based on any attribute by searching in the respective column
  • Simultaneous Search on multiple attributes is not available. At any given time, you can search a customer based on a single attribute only.
  • At least three characters are required to start searching
  • The user will have to press the "Enter" key after typing in the filter value for any attribute
  • A general search bar on the top of the list won't be available 


  • Search suggestions won't be available

Create Customer

EAP-8623 - Getting issue details... STATUS


While creating a new customer, I should be able to do the following:

  • Add details of the customer based on the Customer schema defined by the CIM Admin 
  • Be able to save the customer record without providing information for the optional fields

UI Mockup

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations

  • Only authorized users are able to create new customers
  • New changes are saved after verification with the latest schema. If the schema has been changed during the creation of a new customer, the customer record will be discarded and the user will have to re-enter the details
  • Save button is enabled only once the Required information is provided in the Create Customer form
  • If another customer with the same Phone already exists, the existing record will be overwritten with the newly created customer details. 
  • A phone number of a customer is supposed to be unique among all customers
  • A phone number with a '+' in the start is considered different from the same number without a '+' 



View and Edit Customer

EAP-8626 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user I should be able to see:

  • Customer Profile Detail View
  • Option to perform all actions on a Customer Profile View that are available on the Customer List view as well
    • Call Customer
    • Send SMS
    • Edit Profile

By clicking on the "Edit Profile" option on the View Profile page, I should see the Profile page with all fields as editable.

On the Edit Profile page, I should also be able to see an option to "Delete Customer" if I'm an authorized user. 

UI Mockup for Edit Profile

UI Mockup for View Profile

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations

  • Only authorized users can edit customer profiles
  • New changes are saved after verification with the latest schema. If the schema has been changed while creating a new customer, the customer record will be discarded and the user will have to re-enter the details
  • Only users with permissions would be able to delete
  • This "Delete" action cannot be undone


Delete Customer Profile option will not work in the beta release.


User Permissions and Roles

EAP-8611 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a user of CIM, I would like to control the following functionalities with permissions:

  • Create Customer, Update Customer, Delete Customer
  • Click-to-Contact (Call, SMS)

In addition, Single Sign-On with Finesse should also be available

Business Assumptions

  • Read, List view permissions are available to all users of CIM on:
    • Customers Lists
    • Customer Interactions

Technical Considerations

  • All contact center agents and supervisors are synced with CIM 
  • Contact Center users can log on to CIM with their Finesse credentials
  • The application also provides some predefined roles with selective permissions. CIM admins can update the default roles or add new customized roles on their own.
  • New, local users can be created and assigned permissions. 
  • users need to log on to CIM and UMM separately. There's no single sign-on available for this release between CIM and UMM.


  • Active Directory integration with the Client's Active Directory is not available as of yet

Customize Customer Schema

EAP-8635 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM admin, I would like to:

  • Extend the schema. Add/remove fields from the Customer object
  • Provide new fields of different data types

While adding a field, I'd like to define the following: 

  • Field label 
  • Description (optional)
  • Data Type
  • Required flag: True/False
  • Characters
  • Add Channel identifier for the desired field only

UI Mockup for creating new attributes

UI Mockup for viewing a list of attributes

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations 

  • The maximum length of of field label will be 50 characters.
  • Fields of the following data types are supported for now: 
    • Text
      • Size Parameter
      • 1-1000 characters
      • All UTF-8 characters are allowed
    • Phone
      • Optionally start with character '+',
      • can have any of the digits from 0-9
      • Length: 1-20 characters
    • Email (Following http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696)Go to link
      • "There is a length limit on email addresses. That limit is a maximum of 64 characters (octets) in the "local part" (before the "@") and a maximum of 255 characters (octets) in the domain part (after the "@") for a total length of 320 characters."
    • Date
      • The System will accept a date in Month/Date/Year format.
      • Will be stored in UTC format with zero offset
      • Will be displayed according to the user's timezone
      • Date format for display will be:  MM/dd/YYYY
    • DateTime
      • The System will accept date time in Month/Date/Year Hours:Minutes AM/PM format.
      • Will be stored in UTC format with zero offset
      • Will be displayed according to the user's timezone
      • Date time format for display will be:  MM/dd/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM
    • Time
      • The System will accept the time in Hours:Minutes AM/PM format.
      • The system will append the current date with the time.
      • Will be stored in UTC format with zero offset
      • Will be displayed according to the user's timezone
      • Time format for display will be:  HH:MM AM/PM
    • URL
      • The maximum length of 2083 characters is allowed
    • Bool
      • True/False

The maximum length of First Name and Last Name attributes will be 50 character.


  • The Data Type and Field Label can not be changed.


Click-to-Call Customer

EAP-8631 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to have the ability to make a call to a customer. While making a call, 

  • Choose a number from a drop-down list of phone numbers of the customer (Show all numbers of the data type Phone) 
  • Dial the call on the desired number
  • Log the Outbound call in CIM with all details

UI Mockup

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations


  • All dialed and received interactions are not available to view in the beta release.
  • All CIM users can make calls to customers having CIM opened in Finesse Agent Desktop

Application Navigator 

EAP-8961 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to navigate to the User Management module any time so that I can play around with the permissions of users at any time. 

Business Assumptions

While switching to the User Management Application, I should remain logged in and should not be asked to log in again.

UI Mockup

Technical Considerations

  • This app navigator (just like the one available from GSuite) would allow me to switch to any application for which I have a valid license.
  • For now, this shows only the link to the User Management App.
  • An agent can also open UMM interface but the functionality of user management will be subject to his/her permissions. Users with "Super user Access" permission can only manage users.



Menu Options 


As a CIM user, I should be able to:

  • See customers list (home screen by default) showing details of the existing customers 
  • Customize and manage customer schema (add/remove fields from the schema)

UI Mockup

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations



Import customers

EAP-8634 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to provide options to the user to:

  • Import customers using CSV or text file format within no time by choosing a file from the system
  • Be able to provide customer data for all required fields (system or user-defined) and left empty the non-required ones
  • Have permissions-based controls on the Import Customers functionality 

Business Assumptions

  • Supported file formats: CSV, TXT

Technical Considerations

  • The user must first check the sample file provided within the app to verify the up-to-date schema before uploading its own file
  • If there's a difference between the file format of the user's file and the Customer Schema, the user's file will be discarded
  • If a contact which already exists is being uploaded via import file but with different information, the application will overwrite the existing customer contact with the newly imported details from the import file. 
  • A file should contain a maximum of 100,000 customer records
  • We suggest doing bulk import operation in off-peak hours



Multilingual UI 

EAP-8943 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to get the UI translation in the following languages:
  • German
  • French 
  • Italian
  • English

Business Assumptions

UI Mockup

Technical Considerations


UI translations are not available on Customer schema attributes (for both system and user-defined attributes)


Browser Testing 

EAP-9321 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to test the application on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox latest

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations


  • Saqib, Raza, Nabeel (Dev)
  • Shabber (QA)

Environment compatibilities 


The application should at least work on Cisco UCCX / Finesse version 12.0
  • Saqib, Raza, Nabeel (Dev)
  • Shabber (QA)

Automatic Screen pop on an Inbound/Campaign-Outbound call 

EAP-8629 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a Cisco contact center agent, I have the Phonebook running as a Finesse gadget.

When a contact center call arrives, the automatic screen pop up of the customer should happen as follows:

  • Customer matched:  an automatic screen pop up of the CIM Customer Interactions page should be opened in case of a customer match. There should also be the capability to search for another customer
  • No match: There should be an option to choose an existing customer from the list or create a new customer  EAP-8969 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • The screen pop up should be shown on call ringing.  

Business Assumptions

  • It should work for Inbound calls and campaign outbound calls

Finalized UX

CIM.pngIncomingCall.png for Finesse 12.x

Technical Considerations

  • The automatic screen pop always happens only based on the ANI of the customer.
  • The ANI is matched against all attributes of the customer of datatype "Phone" so that if it matches with any number of the customer, the profile of the relevant customer will be opened
  • An exact match is supposed to happen between the ANI and any of the CIM customer's phone types


  • Pop-up will not work for Manual Outbound calling, Inbound/Outbound SMS OR any other chat interactions
  • Multiple customers against the same phone number cannot be created, so there's no possibility of a multi-match against an ANI
  • The details of the active call cannot be seen from CIM. This includes Caller Attached Data, IVR trail and previous call legs (multiple agent-transferred call legs) of the call.
  • IVR interactions are not logged/handled in this release of CIM

Link an interaction to a customer 

EAP-8964 - Getting issue details... STATUS  


When a call arrives, the interaction is automatically linked to a CIM customer based on the ANI. 

As an agent, I may want to associate this call/interaction with a different customer. I should have the option to choose a different customer (via searching customer list) or create a new customer and link explicitly the active interaction with the customer. 

Would be good, if I can see some information pane showing the association of this active call with a customer. For example, "This call is linked to Adams Roberts

Finalized UX

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations

By default, the application will link an ongoing interaction to the ANI of the corresponding CIM customer


  • In case of no match, if the agent has not linked any customer with the active interaction at the time of ending the call, the interaction would be lost.
  • IVR interactions are not logged/handled in this release of CIM 

Customer Interactions Page 

EAP-8630 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to be able to access the Customer Interactions page from the main menu.

I would like to be able to search a customer based on his name (first name or last name) and phone numbers (fields of type "Phone") and choose to see its interactions.

The link to this page must be added within the main application menu.

I should see the following options on the Customer Interactions page:

  • The customer profile summary card with an option to
    • Edit the profile
    • Click-to-contact via available channels capabilities (Voice Call)
  • See recent nine interactions of the customer. See Voice Call Interactions for the details on the interaction data.
  • The next nine interactions should be loaded if the user scrolls down. 

Business Assumptions

I should also see an option to go back to the list at any time to access other customer profiles and interactions. 

Finalized UX

Technical Considerations

  • In the application main menu, an option to land on Customer Interactions page now appears.
  • In the Customer Interactions page, the customer list is shown on the left sidebar whereas the customer interactions are shown on the right based on the selected customer record.
  • Up to ten fields will be shown on the Customer Profile Summary Card on the Interactions History view. To see the complete profile with other fields, click-to-edit the customer. The fields here are shown in the order in which they are created.


  • IVR interactions are not logged/handled in this release of CIM

Voice Call Interaction Data 

EAP-9351 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a contact center agent, I would like to see the call details including date/time when the call was received, which agent handled the call, on which queue the call landed, what wrapup the agent provided, etc.

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations

Separate call activities/call legs are established when there are more than one agents in the call.

The following details appear as part of a call activity:

  • ANI: The phone number of the customer from whom the call is received
  • Time: This shows the time when the call was landed on the Finesse desktop
  • Duration: The total duration of the call from the time when it was landed on the Finesse desktop till the time it was ended.
  • Call Wrapup: Wrapup provided by the agent to this call leg
  • Agent ID: who was part of this call leg
  • Call Type: This shows the type of the call leg. It can assume the following values:
    • INBOUND: Simple inbound call.
    • OUTBOUND: The manual outbound made by the agent or supervisor to the customer
    • Transfer: Call leg which got transferred to another agent or supervisor 
    • Conference: This shows that the call was converted to a Conference call with multiple agents
  • Team: This is the name of the team to which the agent belongs


  • IVR interactions are not logged/handled in this release of CIM
  • Call Disposition is not stored in any case
  • Integration with any third-party Recording Solution is not available for now
  • SMS channel integration is not available in this release

High Availability Support 

EAP-9353 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user, I would like to enable High Availability Support for CIM. With this, the application should be able to handle the failover to the secondary instance whenever the primary CIM goes down. 

For me, the failover should be seamless and it should not impact my ongoing tasks in any way.

Business Assumptions

In the event of failure, the interaction from CIM should not be lost. That is, if a call is going on while CIM goes down, it should instantly come up and the ongoing interaction should still be logged. 

During a call, the customer's profile and the interaction history should not be flushed while CIM fails over to the secondary instance.

Technical Considerations


  • Fault tolerance of only one node will be provided. If a component fails on both the nodes simultaneously, all ongoing requests will fail.
  • Saqib, Raza, Nabeel (Dev)
  • Shabber (QA)

Finesse Failover Handling

EAP-9354 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Being a CC agent, I would like the CIM application to handle Finesse failover scenarios; i.e. if there's a call on Finesse and on CIM while Finesse fails over to the secondary instance, the interaction from CIM should not be lost and the gadget must be kept running in Finesse.

When the browser is refreshed in the event of failure of the primary Finesse server, the CIM gadget should be successfully loaded with the same Customer profile and interaction history being popped up automatically. The interaction should not be lost.

Business Assumptions

In the event of failure, the interaction from CIM should not be lost.

Technical Considerations

Possible browser refreshing scenarios will be handled as part of the story.


  • Saqib, Raza, Nabeel (Dev)
  • Shabber (QA)

Delete Customer 

EAP-9027 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM user (with 'Delete Customer' permissions), I would like to be able to delete a customer.  I should only be allowed to delete a customer if there are no interactions attached. 

Business Assumptions

A warning message must be shown to me before I delete a customer; for instance,

"This action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete?"

UI Mockup

Technical Considerations


  • A customer with linked interactions cannot be deleted. 
  • There's no option to re-associate interactions to another customer. We'll consider implementing it in the future. 

Customer Schema Attributes List

EAP-9352 - Getting issue details... STATUS


As a CIM admin, I would like to see a list of all Customer schema attributes and be able to: 

  • View the list of all attributes and reorder them to change my view preferences in the Create/Edit/View Customer Profile popups
  • Add new attribute
  • Edit an existing attribute
  • View details/metadata of an attribute
  • Remove an attribute

Business Assumptions

Technical Considerations

UI Mockup

Note that the data type of a field once added cannot be changed later. If a user needs to have a field with a different type, he/she should add a new field.

If an attribute is recreated with the same name as previous, the value from the previous records repopulates in the newly-created attribute. However, the user can modify the value of the attribute at any time.

Testing up to 50 custom attributes will be done. The product performance might slightly hurt while having a large customer base with more than 50 attributes.  



Product Bugs

EAP-9269 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This story will have all the general product bugs linked with it which do not lie in any particular story.