.Node Red installation v2.0
.Node Red installation v2.0
Download the helm repo
helm repo add node-red https://schwarzit.github.io/node-red-chart/
create namespace
kubectl create namespace node-red
helm repo list
helm repo update
please use this web link for latest version (https://github.com/SchwarzIT/node-red-chart)
helm pull node-red/node-red --version 0.24.1
extract the files
tar zxvf node-red-0.24.1.tgz
cd node-red
cd cd node-red
edit file values.yaml
vi values.yaml
enable the persistence: ture
change the values presistent:true persistence: # -- Use persistent volume to store data enabled: true
enable the path: /nodered
hosts: # Ingress accepted hostnames - host: demobot.expertflow.com paths: # -- The base path - path: /nodered
helm installĀ
helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=node-red --values=node-red/values.yaml ef-node-red node-red
change the service type cluster IP to NodePort
kubectl -n node-red patch svc ef-node-red -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'
To access the node-red from the browser