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.Release Notes v13.1

Release Summary

This is a major release of Dashboards & Wallboards which includes some functional enhancements as well as bug fixes from the previous version. The changes include High Availability and SSL support, CCX failover handling within the EF application, Bug fixes from the previous version, Containerized SQL Server deployment with SQL 2017 Linux-based version.  

What's New

Redundant Deployment Support

The application now supports redundant deployment. The user experience on the front-end is seamless and smooth and does not require any manual intervention to sync stats from the active Wallboard instance.

See Fault tolerance to learn more about failover scenarios.

SSL Support

The application can be accessed over HTTPS with a domain-signed certificate.

CCX Failover Support  

When the CCX Master node fails over to the subscriber node, the subscriber node becomes the new Master. Due to this change, calls start landing on the new Master node, hence, all the real-time stats in CCX are refreshed. The counter of call statistics resets. This also affects the real-time stats shown on the EF Dashboard.  All the real-time data displayed in the following display types will be affected by the CCX failover behavior:

  • Speedometer
  • PIE Chart
  • Doughnut Chart
  • Scorecards (all variations)
  • Data Table

However, all the historical stats shown on the dashboard remain unchanged. This means that the historical views, i.e. the Bar Chart and Line Chart, will not be affected by the CCX failover and will continue to show/update the historical data.

Multilingual UI 

Following languages are supported to translate the UI elements:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian

All UI elements including page/dialogue boxes titles, field names, display type names, error, and the success messages are translated to the selected UI language. 

Convert time duration fields into MM: SS format

The following date/time fields format has been changed to MM: SS format:

  • Agent's Time in State: Duration of time since the agent is in a particular state.
  • Avg Wait Time: Average wait time of calls in the queue. 
  • Avg Talk Time: Average talk time of calls against a particular queue. 
  • Longest call in the queue: The longest duration of the call which remained in the queue for a maximum time.  
  • Max Wait Time:  The longest time a call did wait in the queue. 
  • Average Speed of answer: The average speed of an agent to answer calls.
  • Average Handle Time: The average time it takes the agent to handle calls.
  • Max Talk Time: The longest talking time spent on a call that landed on this queue. 

SQL Server deployment with SQL 2017 Linux-based version  

SQL Server deployment can also be containerized with MS SQL Server 2017 for non-HA deployments.

Fixed Issues

Issue Summary

JIRA Issue


If a dashboard group is created without any dashboards and later updated with some dashboards in the group, the application throws an error for the subsequent creation of empty dashboard groups; i.e. group having no dashboards. However, a dashboard group having dashboards can still be created 

EAP-9729 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The gadget delete permission works only if the user also has the permission to delete the dashboard.

EAP-9728 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The average calculation of aggregated data only shows the integer value without rounding it off.

EAP-9699 - Getting issue details... STATUS


No proper error message displayed if the dashboard designer tries to delete the data source that is already attached to a gadget. 

EAP-9736 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Open Issues

Issue Summary

JIRA Issue



When the VM or synchronizer comes up after failover, as non-active, the stats on gadget become zero for a few seconds.

EAP-10126 - Getting issue details... STATUS


No workaround
Sometimes, all attributes appear to be selected in the Edit Gadget settings, rather than showing only the originally-selected attributes

EAP-9752 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Reopen the Edit Gadget settings 
If the user has saved the password with Keep me logged in option, the login button starts appearing as disabled whenever the user comes again on the login page.

EAP-9753 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Just click on the password field and press enter to log in.
If the label of an attribute is of a large size, the system automatically tries to readjust the name on the final view which might disturb the UI of the gadget

EAP-9678 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Always try to provide a small name of the attribute, i.e. less than 20 characters long.
If a data table is selected on one or both of the boxes of the dashboard template 5, the gadgets on both sides are not aligned and the UI becomes disturbed.  

EAP-9712 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Try to use some dashboard template other than the template 5 to display the data table
If all permissions are deleted from a role, then the user also automatically gets removed from the role having no permissions in it 

EAP-9634 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Delete only the unnecessary permissions or add desired permissions in the role and reassign the role to the user
The user-defined order of the attributes in the gadget should be proper. For instance, if 3 attributes are chosen to be displayed out of 6 possible attributes, the order should 1,2,3 in any sequence (3,2,1, 2,3,1, 1,3,2). However, the dashboard won't work properly if the user gives an order such as 3,6,5 or 1,3,6, etc.. 

EAP-9711 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Delete the dashboard and create a new one with properly-defined order of the attributes
Sometimes, wrong gadgets are generated randomly on a dashboard 

EAP-9744 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Delete the gadget and create the desired gadget again
Need to restart the umm service after changing the license in UMM 

EAP-10075 - Getting issue details... STATUS


UMM Services need to be restarted on any machine on which wallboard is deployed with this command 

docker service update --force wallboard_umm

When the Synchronizer failover happens, the scorecard gadgets start behaving weirdly for a few seconds (within 60 seconds approx).  

EAP-9882 - Getting issue details... STATUS


User should refresh the final dashboard link 

When a Synchronizer failover happens, the stats become zero for the following gadgets for a few seconds (within 60 seconds approx) until the Synchronizer component resumes:

  • Speedometer
  • Pie Chart
  • Doughnut Chart
  • Data Table

  EAP-9883 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Stats appear again when synchronizer becomes up
You cannot remove the default role assigned to a user. The default roles are, "Agent" and "Supervisor". 

EAP-10092 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Create new Role and add Users in it 
The "Updated On" date field on the Dashboard List page cannot be translated.

EAP-9993 - Getting issue details... STATUS


The date is visible in the English format

OS Compatibility

The following OS software is required on the server:





7.x updated to the latest packages (use Yum update)Administrative privileges (root) are required to follow the deployment steps.

Database Requirements



MS SQL Database Server 2016/2017 Express/Standard/EnterpriseFor clustered SQL Server installation, the customer will be responsible to provide the cluster. For stand-alone DB deployment, DB (2017 express) will be included within docker containers.
Microsoft SQL Server 2017Microsoft SQL Server 2017, Microsoft Corporation Express Edition (64-bit) on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS). 
Only valid in case of a non-HA deployment.

Docker Engine Requirements


Docker CE

Docker CE 18.06.0+

Browser Compatibility





73.0.1 (64-bit)


Not tested 

Some UI elements might not render properly. A full-blown testing cycle can be carried out on demand.
IENot tested

Not supported

Cisco Unified CCX Compatibility

 Tested with the CCX version 11.5 and 11.6 Assumed to work on higher versions as well. An on-demand testing cycle can also be executed on older versions of CCX.

Cisco Unified CCE Compatibility

Tested with the CCE version 11.5. Assumed to work on higher versions as well. An on-demand testing cycle can also be executed on older versions of CCE.



Both VMs should not be down at a time.

Once the Failover of the synchronizer happened, it will take 2 minutes to connect with another active synchronizer, as the active synchronizer will make insertion in DB after every 2 minutes.

Component level failover not supported.
Network failover not supported.

Release History

Release 13.0

Here is a list of features that were part of the previous 13.0 release.

Dashboard Templates

A Dashboard is a display consisting of a set of Dashboard Gadgets created in a Dashboard Template. An authorized dashboard designer can create multiple dashboards in the system. A Dashboard template is a predefined structure of a Dashboard display. The dashboard designer can choose a template from a list of six templates to create a new dashboard. 


A Gadget is a graphical representation added on a Dashboard. It has two parts: 

  • Display types: A visualization for displaying the data. Available Display types are Pie/Doughnut chart, Speedometer, Line/Bar chart, Tabular type, and Scorecards. There are two more displays for showing a text message on the dashboard which includes Greeting Message, Text Box 
  • Data source: Select the data service from where to pull the data on the dashboard. Data service is a REST+GraphQL-based microservice that returns real-time and historical data to be displayed on Dashboards and Wallboards.


This view displays any type of data that has the data type percentage %.  In the current version, it shows the real-time SLA of a queue or all queues of the call center for the Queue data service. 

If no particular queue is selected, the application aggregates data across all queues based on the default aggregation type, i.e. Average.

Pie Chart

Pie chart takes at most one data attribute to be displayed in the chart.

A data attribute that can have multiple, predefined values is relevant to be displayed in this display type. For instance, the current states of agents in a team can be displayed in a pie chart showing the number of agents, Ready, Not Ready, Talking

If no particular team is selected, the application aggregates data across all team agents based on the default aggregation type, i.e. COUNT.

Doughnut Chart

Doughnut chart takes at most one data attribute to be displayed in the chart.

A data attribute that can have multiple, predefined values is relevant to be displayed in this display type. For instance, the current states of agents in a team can be displayed in a pie chart with the prebuilt Agent data service, showing the number of agents, Ready, Not Ready, Talking

If no particular team is selected, the application aggregates data across all team agents based on the default aggregation type, i.e. COUNT.

Line Chart

A line chart displays the historical data only, so any data attribute with the historical flag turned ON can be selected to be viewed in the line chart. For the built-in data services, only the Queue data service exposes historical data attributes which are as following:

  • Calls Received 
  • Calls Answered 
  • Calls Abandoned 

If no queue is selected in the filter, the application aggregates data across all queues based on the selected aggregation type; i.e. Sum OR Average.

Data Resolution allows the dashboard designers to set the range for showing the historical data. The following types of data resolution are available:

  • Hourly: This shows the data against the last 24 hours for each hour of the day
  • Weekly: This shows the data against the last 7 days for each day of the week

Data Comparison: Setting this flag to true allows the dashboard designer to compare the historical data for a single attribute for the last 48 hours (last 24 hours and 24 hours before that) or last two weeks based on the selected Resolution type (Hourly, Weekly). In case of setting the flag to true, two lines are displayed on the chart, one showing the data of the attribute for this week (or last 24 hours) while the other showing the data for the previous week (or last 48 hours).

If the Comparison flag is set to false, the dashboard designer can choose all three attributes and see the historical data across three lines, with each representing the individual data attributes. 

Bar Chart

A bar chart displays the historical data only, so any data attribute with the historical flag turned ON can be selected to be viewed in the bar chart. For the built-in data services, only the Queue data service exposes historical data attributes which are as following:

  • Calls Received 
  • Calls Answered 
  • Calls Abandoned 

If no queue is selected in the filter, the application aggregates data across all queues based on the selected aggregation type; i.e. Sum OR Average

Data Resolution allows the dashboard designers to set the time range for showing the historical data. The following resolution types are available:

  • Hourly: This shows the data against the last 24 hours for each hour of the day
  • Weekly: This shows the data against the last 7 days for each day of the week

Data Comparison: Setting this flag to true allows the dashboard designer to compare the historical data for a single attribute for the last 48 hours or last two weeks based on the selected Resolution type. In this case, two bars are displayed on the chart one showing the data of the attribute for this week (or last 24 hours) while the other showing the data for the previous week (or last 48 hours).

If the Comparison flag is set to false, the dashboard designer can choose one, two or all three attributes and see the historical data with three bars, with each representing the individual data attribute.

Data Table

A data table shows the real-time details of team agents or queue stats with Agent data service respectively in the form of a table. 

The dashboard designer can choose at most 6 attributes to be displayed in the table out of all the attributes exposed by the data service. If no particular team or queue is selected, the application shows stats of all team agents or queues based on the selected data service. 

Each row of the table represents the record for one agent or one queue. 


Any data attributes of type Integer and Float can be displayed in the scorecards. Each card here corresponds to one data attribute selected in the gadget configuration.

Use the Queue data service to show data in the form of scorecards.

This view comes with the following variations:

  • 4 cards with icons: Allows the dashboard designer to select at most 4 attributes with an iconic representation in the card. The dashboard designer can choose icons displaying on each card from the default list of icons.
  • 4 cards:  Allows the dashboard designer to select at most 4 attributes in the form of a card, without any iconic representation. 
  • Three cards horizontal: Allows the dashboard designer to select at most 3 attributes in the card. This view shows cards in a horizontal layout.

Greeting Message

This view allows the dashboard designer to type a greeting message with a title or a heading. The dashboard designer can also choose to have different font colors for the title and the message text. The aim here is to show greetings of the day on a Wallboard screen. 

Text Box

This allows the dashboard designer to write a plain text and get it displayed on the dashboard or wallboard. This could be any text such as the announcement of an event to notify the call center staff. The dashboard designer can also choose to change the font color of the text and the background color of the gadget.

Dashboard Group

A dashboard group allows the dashboard designer to add multiple dashboards in a group and see them in a polling interval. While creating a group, the dashboard designer can add dashboards, turn on the scrolling between the group dashboards and define a scrolling interval in seconds. 

Under the Application Settings, dashboard designers can also upload the corporate logo. However, the logo will only be applicable across all the admin portal pages and not applicable on the final dashboard view.

Link of Dashboard and Dashboard Group

The final links of dashboards and dashboard groups can be generated and opened in a browser tab to display on the Wallboard screen.