Please make sure that Solution Prerequisites are met for the desired deployment type.
Download the deployment script
and place it in the user’s home or any desired directory. This script will:View file name deployment.sh delete the recording-solution directory if it exists.
clone the required files for deployment
To execute the script, give it the execute permissions and execute it. This command will clone the skeleton project for the recording solution. the recording-solution directory contains all the required files for deployment.
Code Block language bash $ chmod 755 deployment.sh $ ./deployment.sh
Follow the Refer to Section 2 for the deployment of HA VRS at the end of this documentthe guide to proceed with the HA deployment.
Follow step 5 to 8 for deployment with Cisco UCCX or UCCE in non-HA (non- High Availability) mode.
to install and configure Freeswitch. The recording path should bethis guide /usr/share/freeswitch/cucmRecording
Follow this guide to create an application user on CUCM for jtapi-connector.
Open recording-solution/docker/config.env and update the environment variables given below.