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System Limitations v13.0



Gadgets are not resizeableGadgets added in the dashboard are of the fixed sizes and cannot be resized.
Templates are not resizeable Templates are not resizeable. The user has to choose from fixed templates 
Free Dashboard Design grid not available to create custom dashboard templatesDashboards can only be created following one of the predefined dashboard templates. Users cannot create customized dashboard templates for now.
The user-uploaded Company logo is not applicable to the final Dashboard viewThe logo uploaded by the user is displayed across all admin portal pages only and is not applicable to final dashboard views.
Large gadgets in small boxes might disturb the UIUsers should avoid plotting the gadgets with large visualizations especially the Bar/Line charts and data tables on the dashboard templates having small boxes. 
Refresh the dashboard final link manually in case of a network glitchIn case of a network glitch, manual intervention is required to refresh the dashboard view  
The average calculation of aggregated data only shows the integer value without rounding it off When the aggregation type Average is selected, the system shows the integer value without round-off. For instance, if the average of a selected attribute for two or more queues is 84.75, the system shows the integer 84 only. 
Refresh the dashboard link to see updated/removed gadgets from the dashboard  If the user changes or removes and add another gadget in a dashboard while the final dashboard link is already opened on a separate window, the user would need to refresh the page to see the updated gadgets. However, the real-time stats are updated automatically without requiring to refresh the page.
Dashboard Template once selected cannot be updated later Once the dashboard template is selected, the dashboard is created with a default name. The user cannot later change the template. To change the template, delete the dashboard and create a new dashboard with the desired template. 
Default data refresh rate is 10 secondsThe application currently has the default data refresh rate of 10 seconds for each dashboard gadget 
Font colors and sizes of gadget titles cannot be changedUsers cannot change the font size and color of the gadget titles. Only the font size and color of the Text message gadgets can be changed by the user for the message text alone.
UCCX Failover is not handledThe application does not currently handle the failover of UCCX properly.Â