Release Notes v12.2

Release Notes v12.2

This document contains the release summary of Supervisor Tools version 12.2.

Release Summary

This is the first, major micro services based release of Supervisor Tools for CCE customers. The release includes the following features:

  • Easy Announcements

  • Business Calendars
  • Caller Lists
  • KPIs 


This release has been testedfor compatibility only with CCE 11.5.

Change History



Major release for CCE customers with

  • Caller Lists

  • KPIs
  • Easy Announcements
  • Business Calendars

February 20, 2019


Major release with

  • An implementation of


  • Permission-based access
  • High availability support
  • Software license key implementation
  • Platform shift to Linux (CentOS)
  • Easier deployment as a Docker container
  • Caller list made independent, working as a separate microservice or module
November 05th, 2018

Minor release with

  • Changes in ECM Call Strategies UI design, with an option to select the channel (SMS and Voice)
  • Changes in Campaign Definition
  • Support for up to five phone numbers
  • Business Calendar
    changes and support
    of a single shift schedule

November 24, 2017

Minor release with

  • Compatibility of Easy Announcement with MSSQL 2014
September 26, 2017

Minor release with

  • Multiple shift schedules.
  • Naming the shift schedule
August 28, 2017

Minor release with

ECM compatibility with
UCCE 11.5

July 17, 2017

Major release with:

  • UCCE Support
  • Improvements in Prompt Management
  • Separate Application Settings interface
June 23, 2017

Major release with:

  • Business Calendars
  • Caller lists
  • UCCX failover support
  • Build Installer
May 1, 2017

Major release with:

  • Support for

virtualized/ shared
contact centers with
single CCX instance

  • Improvements in Easy Announcements
  • Support to change application script variables
January 25, 2016

Initial release document for

release 11.0.

August 24, 2016

Enhancements/Updated Features

Micro services based architecture

In this release, the application has been distributed into the following four micro services: 

  • KPIs (available only for CCE)

  • Caller Lists  

  • Announcements/Calendars

Each micro service is independent and available based on the licenses that the client has purchased.


This allows users to turn on or off certain switches dynamically or give call treatment based on certain conditions.

Each KPI is supposed to be a “Key Performance Indicator” which is just like a variable or a switch. The application users can define relevant KPIs important to their business and define a threshold value for it which can later be used in providing appropriate call treatment. For instance, if zero agents are available to take calls, route the call to the expert queue.

Caller Lists

Caller lists can be created in the application to manage repetitive, malicious/hoax callers and/or Gold/Silver customers of a contact center. For example, an admin may want to create a list of callers who are considered as VIPs and who should have a different, specialized treatment than the regular callers.

So the administrator will create a list with a name such as ‘VIP callers’ and add/associate all VIP callers to that list. So whenever a call from the VIP caller belonging to the VIP caller list arrives, the IVR provides the pre-configured VIP treatment to the caller.

Announcements and Calendars

Managing Easy Announcements

An easy announcement is one or more prompts to be played in the IVR. The interface allows managers to create new or change an existing announcement on the fly, e.g. they can create an announcement for an unplanned outage. By adding calendar time/date, managers can insert scheduled announcements within a call script.

Managing Business Calendars

Business calendars are to manage the Working Schedule, Exceptional hours and public holidays of a call center with a calendar view. The interface allows managers to create shift schedules for working hours, add exceptional hours of closure and/or add public holidays for the whole year.

High Availability Support

The application now fully supports high availability with an SQL Server failover cluster for the database failover. For the web application, the user accesses the application using a virtual IP which makes it seamless for the user whenever the primary instance of the application fails over to the secondary. For the integration with IVR on the script level, the integration APIs are also deployed on both sides and the script queries the app using the virtual IP.

System Capability



Operating System

CentOS 7


MS SQL Server 2014/Express, 2016/Standard, Enterprise

Docker CE


Docker compose

Latest version


Browser Compatibility

The test cycles have been carriedout on Firefox 64.0.2 (64 bit) and Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (64 bit).

Open Issues 


Do not Press F5 or Ctrl+F5 on
these pages:

  • Easy Announcement
  • Business Calendar

We recommend not to press F5/CTRL+F5 to refresh the
page. To refresh a list or see new changes, navigate from
some other page/list to the current page.

Marked for next release

Dial Number cannot be deleted if it is used in service KPI

DN should not be deleted if it is used in Service KPIs,

Marked for future release

The Prompt file size is not calculated properly sometimes

File size is not calculated properly in some cases

Marked for next release

In the “Prompts” page, the “Last Modified” column is not functional at the moment

The “Last modified” column shows the created date only

Marked for next release

In the “Prompts” page, the “Edited Date” is not functional at the moment

The “Edited date” column shows the created date only

Marked for next release

CallerList deletion process is slow for 2 lacs records

If you delete a caller list, all the contacts within the list also get deleted. However, if there are a large number of contacts in the list, it takes time to delete all numbers. Also, note that until all callers are deleted, the name of the Caller list keeps showing on the application interface

Marked for next release

KPI code is a unique field

KPI code is a unique field this field can’t be duplicate

Marked for next release

Fixed Issues




Related module/functionality

Prompts of large size unable to upload

Now agent can upload prompt of large size  



Important Notes/ Limitations

SummaryRelated Feature/ Screen

It takes approx 9-10 minutes to upload a CSV file containing 2 lac records for MySQL.

Caller List

It takes approximately 2 minutes to upload up to twenty-five thousand records and 5 minutes to upload up to fifty thousand records when the back-end DB is MS SQL

Caller List

The user can see the records of callers only once the list uploading operation finishes

Caller List

Currently, the user has to check manually if all contacts have been uploaded in the caller list when the upload process completes. There's no push notification shown to the user because of the upload process. However, a log file is generated with a list of all invalid contacts which didn't upload along with the reason.

Caller List

KPI code is a unique field, user unable to enter duplicate data in this field


At the moment, zip files of prompts cannot be uploaded. However, the user can upload prompts in bulk by holding the CTRL button while selecting the prompts from the machine directory.

Prompts Management

Note that you cannot upload a prompt file on the root folder

Prompts Management

Spaces in folder names and prompt names are not allowed

Prompts Management

The application doesn’t allow to upload an already uploaded audio prompt

Prompts Management

The application always shows “Admin” as the name of the owner who uploaded the prompt.

Prompts Management

If a region is being used with an easy announcement, you cannot delete the region

Calendar Settings

Spaces and special characters (except underscores) are not allowed in the name of regions

Calendar Settings

When a user updates the shift schedule timing, it is not reflected on the calendar immediately. To see the new changes, the user has to navigate to another page and get back to the calendars page.

Business Calendar

The application now supports the redundant deployment

Redundancy Support

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