.Release Notes v12.3.1

.Release Notes v12.3.1


In this release, ECM is now able to run standalone SMS campaigns with the introduction of a new strategy called Default. ECM now supports HTTPs and is compatible with UCCX 12.0.


ECM 12.3.1 comes with the following feature updates and enhancements.

Compatibility of ECM with UCCX 12.0

This release is compatible with UCCX 12.0.

HTTPS Support

This release supports HTTPS to run ECM web application.

SMS Standalone Campaign

With the new release, independent SMS campaigns can be executed from ECM. The user can create an SMS template to be sent as a campaign message to campaign contacts. To execute a campaign as an SMS, the campaign type in drop-down should be selected as None while for the strategy, the default strategy should be selected.

Introduction of Default Strategy

A new strategy called Default is introduced for running SMS campaigns. The strategy contains a single attempt with the SMS channel on phone 01. The user cannot add more attempts or delete the default strategy.

Open Issues

IssueSummaryWork Around
The issue in fetching the UCCX campaign after deployment.Once the application settings are defined for UCCX from the web interface, user needs to remove the backend container and run the docker-compose up -d command for fetching the campaignsRemove the backend container and run the command “docker-compose up -d” for fetching the cisco campaigns.
Status of ECM request state might have improper values if a call is rejected and gets answered/transferred to some other agentWhen an outbound call is rejected or resent to the queue by an agent, if the same call gets answered by some other agent while at the same time, ECM fetches the status of contact from CCE, then the status field might have improper values.Marked for the next release
ECM campaign with a wrong Cisco campaign type is created if the wrong Cisco campaign is passed to ECM via APIIf a user passes a Cisco campaign with an IVR type while creating an agent-based campaign in ECM through API, the ECM campaign got successfully createdMarked for the next release
Active campaign strategy can be changed via Update campaign APIUsing “Update Campaign API”, the user can also change the strategy of an enabled/active campaign.Marked for the next release
Same attempts should have unique attempt_numbers or ordersEach attempt in a campaign should have a unique attempt_number otherwise, this might cause problems while rendering or modifying an attempt definition.Marked for the next release
Do not Press F5 or Ctrl+F5We recommend not to press F5/CTRL+F5 to refresh the page. To refresh a list or view new changes, the user must navigate from some other page/list to the current page.Marked for next release

Change History

ECM-12.3This is the minor release which supported the HTTPSMay 2019

Major Release having features of,

  • SMS Standalone Campaign
  • Default Call Strategy
November 2018

Major Release with,

  • ECM microservice
  • Additional form selection option while creating an agent-based campaign
March 2018

Important Notes/Limitations

The recommended browser for the ECM application is Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. (Latest). Some limitations in the new release are mentioned below,

SummaryRelated Feature/Screen
The current implementation in ECM only allows uploading contact CSV of 128KB size.The current implementation in ECM only allows uploading contact CSV of 128KB size.
In the contact list of the campaign, there is no pagination and user have to click on down arrow button to get the next 25 contacts.ECM Campaign Contacts
While creating an attempt (Voice or SMS) through the API, the attempt definition should be proper. The attempts defined in the improper way will not be accessed from the front-end interface for any modification.Call Strategy API
Once the campaign is updated, the save button is disabled for further changes. To make more changes, the user has to come back from another list.Updating the ECM campaign
With the APIs, attempts are created and stored one after the other.ECM Call strategies APIs
The “Delay” and the “Expiry” time of SMS in the call strategy should not be more than 120 minutesECM Call strategies
The redundant deployment of ECM is not yet supported.Redundancy Support
Cloud deployment of the application is not yet supportedCloud deployment

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