ExpertFlow application has a central authentication module that automatically synchronizes contact center supervisors from CCX into the User Management module. This allows any contact center supervisor (with CCX Supervisor capability) agent to log into the application with the same Finesse credentials, without having to necessarily create a new username/password in the application. However, administrators can also create local user accounts to give access to particular users.
Logging in to the Dashboards&Wallboards
There is a button "Login With Cisco" for the SSO enabled UCCX or UCCE.
Logging in to the Dashboards&Wallboards with SSO
Creating A Dashboard
On Manage Dashboards page, click Add Dashboard button.
Once a dashboard is created, you can then rename it, change the background color and/or start adding desired gadgets in it.
A Dashboard without gadgets
Note |
Choose a display type from the available types to determine the layout of the gadget content.
Select Gadget Display Type
Define the configurations of the gadget on the following screen using the table below:
Gadget Settings for Scorecards
Field Name | Description | Required |
Title of the Gadget | Give the name of the gadget here | Yes |
Selection of Data Source | Choose the data service/data source to pull the data from. The application comes with two built-in data services for displaying call center stats; i) Queue Service: Reports around a summary of call center queue statistics such as calls received, answered, abandoned, queued, Agents Read, Not Ready. ii) Agent Service: Reports around statistics of individual agents of a team such as ASA, AHT, the current state of each team agent | Yes |
Selection of Attributes to Display | Choose the attributes to be displayed in the gadget. This lists all attributes exposed by the selected data service. The info icon against each attribute also provides brief help for the attribute. By default, the application restricts the number of attributes to be displayed for each display type:
| Yes |
Attribute Labels | These are the user-defined labels of attributes exposed by the data service. Give a different label or name to data attributes according to your convenience. If not defined, the default labels will appear. This option only appears for the following display types:
| No |
Attribute Thresholds | Define here the threshold values for certain attributes. You can define thresholds on two levels: i) Warning: For a warning or an alert situation ii) Error: To indicate a critically-alarming situation. Also, choose a color for each threshold value which determines the color code of the attribute value when the threshold is met. While defining the threshold, select the operator Above or Below as threshold criteria. When you select Above, the application assumes the threshold to be breached only if the current value of the attribute is greater than the defined threshold values. Similarly, if you select Below, the threshold is assumed to be breached if the current value of the attribute goes lower than the threshold values. This option only appears for the following display types:
This remains disabled by default. | No |
Icons | Choose an icon from a predefined list of icons, to show the attribute card with an iconic presentation. If no icons are chosen, the application automatically attaches a default icon with all four cards. This is valid only for the Scorecards display type with the variation, named 4 cards with icons. | No |
Attribute Order | Define the order in which the attributes must be listed on the final gadget display. While selecting the attributes and giving the order, make sure to provide valid order values based on the number of selected attributes If not defined explicitly, the application automatically assigns an order to each attribute based on the order of selection. This is valid only for the following display types:
| No |
Attributes Filter | This is the filter to populate the appropriate, desired data in the gadget. Each data service exposes a filter based on which the data should be displayed. For the built-in data services, the attribute filters exposed are Queue and Team, for Queue and Agent microservices respectively. This means that the data that the data is shown based on a CSQ or an agent team for the UCCX and this is shown based on a CSQ Skillgroup or an agent team . for the UCCE, Based on the attribute filter, you can then filter out the statistics against one or multiple queues or one or multiple teams. In case of no selection of queues or teams, the application automatically accumulates statistical data across all queues or teams. | NoYes |
Daily/Weekly Data Comparison | This is valid only in case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes. If set to Yes, this allows you to see the data comparison for a single attribute in the past hours or past weeks based on the selected Resolution type. In the case of Bar charts, the bars that appear represent the past hours (of today and yesterday) or weeks (this week and previous week). If set to No, you can select multiple attributes from the available list to see lines or bars for each different attribute. By default, this flag is set to Yes. | No |
Resolution | This is valid only in case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes. Following data resolution types are supported:
By default, this is selected to Weekly resolution. | No |
X-Axis Salutation | This is valid only in case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes. Provide the labels to be displayed on the X-axis of the graph. | Yes |
Y-Axis Salutation | This is valid only in case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes. Provide the labels to be displayed on the XY-axis of the graph. | |
Aggregation Type | Following types of data aggregation is supported:
In the case of showing accumulated data of multiple (or all) queues or teams, this determines that the data aggregation should be done based on Sum, Average or Count. This is not valid for the Data Table display type, since this type does not show group or aggregate values of attributes but shows individual rows for each queue or team. | No |
Greeting Message Title | This is the title of the greeting message to be shown on the Greeting Message gadget. This can take any string of 100 characters such as "Good Day". You can optionally also choose the font color of the greeting title. This is valid only for the Greeting Message Gadget. | Yes |
Greeting Message Text | This is valid only for the Greeting Message Gadget. Write a greeting message here that you want to display on the dashboard or wallboard. You can optionally also choose the font color and font size between 14px to 36px of the greeting message. | Yes |
Text Box Message Text | This is valid only for the Text Message Gadget. Write a plain text message here that you want to display on the dashboard or wallboard such as a notification or team announcement. You can optionally also choose the font color and font size between 14px to 36px of the text message and , you can also choose the background color of the gadget. | Yes |
- Edit: Hover your mouse on the desired dashboard and click the Pencil icon to edit the dashboard
- Copy Link: Get the final link of the dashboard by clicking the link icon. The link will automatically be copied to your clipboard. Copy and paste it in a browser window to open the dashboard as the final view open the dashboard as the final view
- Embed: You can also embed the dashboard by clicking on the embed button you can get the iframe.
- Make a copy: You can add a dashboard quickly by making a copy of the dashboard. Once the copy is created, you can edit the name, theme color and edit/add gadgets in the new dashboard. However, the template of the dashboard cannot be modified once a dashboard copy is generated.
- Delete: Delete unnecessary dashboards from the list. Deleting a dashboard deletes all the gadgets added in the dashboard.
Understanding Line / Bar Charts
Give the Service URL in the format http https://machineip/service-name
Sample Data Services: There are two data services available with this dashboard or wallboard
Agent Service:https://machineip/agent-service
Queue Service:https://machineip:port/queue-service-name
Adding a Data Service
Once a data service is added with a valid URL, you can use it while adding gadgets in a dashboard.
Global Settings
Under the Settings menu, select the timezone for the dashboard for historical data, the default time zone is UTC if you do not select any timezone. and click the folder icon to select an image file for your corporate logo.
Uploading Timezone and Corporate Logo
Click Upload to upload the logo.
The logo uploaded from here appears all across the application pages .
and dashboard's final link.