Voice Recording Solution should be deployed on a Server.
An SFTP server is required which is same as where VRS is deployed.
This SFTP server must be configured for the root user.
Deployment of Screen Recording Service
For screen recording service follow the following sections:
A) SFTP server configuration
Configure SFTP on VRS server on root user.
Note the SFTP root password.
Note the SFTP IP Address.
B) Finesse Server
Deploy the SRC Gadget on the finesses server using this guide:
Gadget file to deployed is
.View file name Login to the UCCX Administration. Cisco U
From menu bar open Subsystems → Rmcm → Teams
Open your team and add the Agents (on which recording enabled) in the Assigned Resources Section.
C) Agent Computer
Download the Screen Recording executable file from here.
View file name Controller.exe Download
andView file name powercmdconfig.txt
file view-ps1 name config.ps1 filesMake a directory Folder named as 'Service' in C:\ and place all three both files in their it.
Open the command prompt and add following environment variables from table1Table given in step 5.
To add variables use 'SET <Environment Variable> = <Value>' from table 1.
Open powershell as administrator and run the commands from powercmd.txt
In powershell setx “<Environment Variable>” <Value>' from the following Table.
Environment Variables | Value |
AGENT_HOST | localhost |
SFTP_IP | The IP address of the SFTP server, which is the same as the one where VRS is deployed |
SFTP_ROOT_PASSWORD | Password of the SFTP Server |
Once done, close the command prompt and reopen. Verify that environment variables are saved by running the following command:
echo %<Environment Variable>%
Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following commands on any path:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
A message will appear. Write yes and press enter.
In PowerShell navigate to C:\Service\ and then run .\config.ps1
Go to the C Drive where the Service folder is located, and manually run
by double
-clicking it.
Open the
Browser and
access this
URL http://localhost:8000 . A page would open indicating that service is running fine.
Now, make a test call.
Open the Sftp server and login to sftp server
Upon transferring the file to the SFTP server, a folder named screen_recording will automatically be created in the root directory
Access the server via SSH and log in to the SFTP server.
Go to the
Directory on the SFTP server and Verify if your recording is
being saved.
Download and Play the video manually
Make a test call and check the front end (front end yet to be made)
Table 1
Environment Variables
IP or FQDN of the Agent Machine
Username of the SFTP username
Password of the SFTP server
Finesse Server
Login to the VRS Application and Verify that screen recording is being saved. (front end yet to be made)