Please make sure that Solution Prerequisites are met for the desired deployment type.
Download the deployment script
and place it in the user’s home or any desired directory. This script will:View file name deployment.sh delete the recording-solution directory if it exists.
clone the required files for deployment
To execute the script, give it the execute permissions and execute it. This command will clone the skeleton project for the recording solution. the recording-solution directory contains all the required files for deployment.
Code Block language bash $ chmod 755 deployment.sh $ ./deployment.sh
Follow step 5 to 8 for deployment with Cisco UCCX or UCCE
Follow this guide to install and configure Recorder v1.10.10. The recording path should be
Once recorder is installed successfully, go for the configuration.
Follow this guide to create an application user on CUCM for jtapi-connector.
Open recording-solution/docker/config.env and update the environment variables given below.
To update the self-signed certificates for VRS, get the public authority or domain signed certificate .crt and .key files, name them server.crt and server.key, and replace the files in /recording-solution/config/certificates with these two new files. Names should be the same.
Run ./install-efcx.sh for EFCX Or run ./install-cisco.sh for Cisco UCCX and UCCE.
Run the following command to ensure all the components are running.
Code Block # docker ps
In case of Cisco go to https : //VRS-IP/#/login to access the application, whereas for EFCX go to https://VRS-IP:444/#/login.
Configure the SIP trunk to enable CUCM to send SIP events to VRS for call recordings. Two sip trunks should be configured in case of HA. (Not for EFCX)
*Nginx service is running on port 443 in case of UCCX or UCCE, and for EFCX it is running on port 444.
For EFCX there are additional steps to be done on the VRS server.
Navigate to the Postgresql folder.
Code Block cd /etc/postgresql/16/main/
Open the file postgresql.conf, scroll down to find the line with #listen_addresses and replace the entire line with the following:
Code Block listen_addresses = '*'
Save and exit.
Open the file pg_hba.conf, scroll down to the bottom and add the line:
Code Block host all all md5
Save and exit.
Restart the Postgresql service:
Code Block systemctl restart postgresql