Download the Screen Recording executable file from here.
View file name Controller.exe Download
fileView file name config.ps1 Make a Folder named as 'Service' in C:\ and place both files in it
Open the command prompt and add following environment variables from Table1
To add variables use 'setx “<Environment Variable>” <Value>' from Table 1.
Once done, close the command prompt and reopen. Verify environment variables
echo %<Environment Variable>%
Open Power shell as Administrator and run the following commands on any path:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
In Powershell navigate to C:\Service\ and then run .\config.ps1
Go to the C Drive where the Service folder is located, and manually run
by double-clicking it.Open the Browser and access this URL http://localhost:8000 . A page would open indicating that service is running fine.
Access the server via SSH and log in to the SFTP server.
Make a Test Call.
Go to the
directory on the SFTP server and verify if your recording is being saved.Download and Play the video manually. (Make sure correct tag is loaded for fetching files, apis backend current tag is 14.2.EMR-3554)
Login to the VRS Application and Verify that screen recording is being saved. (front end yet to be made)