Names | For EFCX | For Cisco | |
1 | KEYCLOAK_REALM_NAME | Realm name from EFCX keycloak | Realm name created in step 4 of keycloak setup |
2 | KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID | KeyCloak client id from EFCX keycloak | Keycloak client id from step 6 of keycloak setup |
3 | KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET | Add the client secret from EFCX keycloak | keycloak client secret from step 8 of keycloak setup |
5 | KEYCLOAK_URL | Url of Keycloak for EFCX | - |
6 | EFCX_FQDN (Only for EFCX) | FQDN of CX | - |
8 | VRS_URL | Url of VRS machine with port 444. IP/Url:444 | Url of VRS machine with port 443 |
9 | LOCAL_MACHINE_IP | IP of the local machine (No need for port 444) | IP of the local machine (No need for port 443) |
Open config.conf form t /etc/fusionpbx/ recording-solution/docker/config.env and update Update the Database environment variables in config.env (Only for EFCX) .These variables are builtin in case of UCCE or UCCX
Name | Description | |
1 | DB_DRIVER | Driver on which database is running i.e postgres or mysql drive |
2 | DB_ENGINE | Engine on which database is running i.e postgres or mysql |
3 | DB_HOST | Name or ip of the host on which database is active |
4 | DB_NAME | Name of the database (fetch from config.conf on this path /etc/fusionpbx/) |
5 | DB_USER | Username for database (fetch from config.conf on this path /etc/fusionpbx/) |
6 | DB_PASSWORD | Password for the database (fetch from config.conf on this path /etc/fusionpbx/) |
To update the self-signed certificates for VRS, get the public authority or domain signed certificate .crt and .key files, name them server.crt and server.key, and replace the files in /recording-solution/config/certificates with these two new files. Names should be the same.
Run ./install-efcx.sh for EFCX Or run ./install-cisco.sh for Cisco UCCX and UCCE.
Run the following command to ensure all the components are running.
Code Block # docker ps
In case of Cisco go to https : //VRS-IP/#/login to access the application, whereas for EFCX go to https://VRS-IP:444/#/login.
Configure the SIP trunk to enable CUCM to send SIP events to VRS for call recordings. Two sip trunks should be configured in case of HA. (Not for EFCX)