Versions Compared


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This document is a release summary of Supervisor Tools version 12.0.

Table of Contents

Release Summary

This is a major release of Supervisor Tools with the following changes:

  • Transformed to a microservice architecture
  • Implemented permissions-based user access management
  • Implementation of Full and Trial License
  • High availability of the application
  • Docker-based release supported on the Linux (CentOS) platform




Change History


Major release with

  • An implementation of


  • Permission-based access
  • High availability support
  • Software license key implementation
  • Platform shift to Linux (CentOS)
  • Easier deployment as a Docker container
  • Caller list made independent, working as a separate microservice or module


Minor release with

  • Changes in ECM Call Strategies UI design, with an option to select the channel (SMS and Voice)
  • Changes in Campaign Definition
  • Support for up to five phone numbers
  • Business Calendar
    changes and support
    of a single shift schedule


Minor release with

  • Compatibility of Easy Announcement with MSSQL 2014


Minor release with

  • Multiple shift schedules.
  • Naming the shift schedule


Minor release with

ECM compatibility with
UCCE 11.5


Major release with:

  • UCCE Support
  • Improvements in Prompt Management
  • Separate Application Settings interface


Major release with:

  • Business Calendars
  • Caller lists
  • UCCX failover support
  • Build Installer


Major release with:

  • Support for

virtualized/ shared
contact centers with
single CCX instance

  • Improvements in Easy Announcements
  • Support to change application script variables


Initial release document for

release 11.0.


Enhancements/Updated Features

Microservice Architecture


  • Team Administration and recycling
  • Announcements and Calendars
  • Caller Lists

Each microservice is available on the interface based on the license purchased by the client.

Permission-based access

Permission has so that to view, update, create or delete according to the assigned permission.

Implementation of Production and Trial Licenses

The tool now provides "Trial" and "Production" licenses for the two different customer environments. A trial license expires when the trial expiry date reaches. Once it ,the application stops working. In that case, the user will have to renew the license to move further. All the application APIs will also not respond when the trial expires. In case of a "production" license or the perpetual license, a notification appearsontheapplicationinterface, one month before the actual contract expiry date, stating that the license needs to be renewed to continue with an uninterrupted support. Here, all features keep working. However, no support is available from ExpertFlow to service any future requests or to resolve issues coming in. 

High availability support

The application now fully supports high availability or redundant deployment. The application is deployed on a two-nodes cluster/ VMs with one node being the Primary and the other being the secondary to provide fault tolerance and high availability of the applications. Both of the two nodes will have everything running on the machines, thus, acting as a replica of each other. Each node of the cluster exposes a VIP (Virtual IP, using VRR protocol) which will route service request to the active primary node at any point in time.

The two nodes will be synchronized with KeepAlived enabled such that as soon the primary node becomes down, the secondary node resumes services and acts as primary. Thus, the failover from primary to secondary happens nearly seamlessly.

Caller List as an independent microservice

Caller List is now available asanindependentmodulethatisautomatically enabledordisabledbasedonthe software license the client has purchased.

OS Shift

The application is now compatible on aLinuxCentOSplatformandis deployed as a Docker image.

This document contains the release summary of Supervisor Tools version 12.3.

Table of Contents

Release Summary

This is a minor release of Supervisor Tools with the following changes:

  • Supervisor Tools Finesse Gadget for Supervisors

  • SSO with Finesse for Supervisor gadget

  • Multilingual UI support


This release has been tested for compatibility only with CCX 11.6. This release is not tested with CCE.

Change History



Major release with

  • Supervisor Tools Finesse Gadget for Supervisors

  • SSO with Finesse for Supervisor gadget

  • Multilingual UI support

February 20, 2019


Major release with

  • An implementation of


  • Permission-based access
  • High availability support
  • Software license key implementation
  • Platform shift to Linux (CentOS)
  • Easier deployment as a Docker container
  • Caller list made independent, working as a separate microservice or module
November 05th, 2018

Minor release with

  • Changes in ECM Call Strategies UI design, with an option to select the channel (SMS and Voice)
  • Changes in Campaign Definition
  • Support for up to five phone numbers
  • Business Calendar
    changes and support
    of a single shift schedule

November 24, 2017

Minor release with

  • Compatibility of Easy Announcement with MSSQL 2014
September 26, 2017

Minor release with

  • Multiple shift schedules.
  • Naming the shift schedule
August 28, 2017

Minor release with

ECM compatibility with
UCCE 11.5

July 17, 2017

Major release with:

  • UCCE Support
  • Improvements in Prompt Management
  • Separate Application Settings interface
June 23, 2017

Major release with:

  • Business Calendars
  • Caller lists
  • UCCX failover support
  • Build Installer
May 1, 2017

Major release with:

  • Support for

virtualized/ shared
contact centers with
single CCX instance

  • Improvements in Easy Announcements
  • Support to change application script variables
January 25, 2016

Initial release document for

release 11.0.

August 24, 2016

Enhancements/Updated Features

Supervisor Tools Finesse Gadget

The new Finesse gadget for Cisco Contact Center Express supervisors is also available which allows supervisors to manage agent teams, queues, and agent skills from within the Supervisor Finesse desktop. The web-based admin application also continues to serve for the system administrators to manage the restricted access for the supervisors. SSO with Finesse

The SSO with Finesse allows supervisors to log on to the Supervisor gadget automatically as soon as they log on to their Cisco Finesse desktop.

Multilingual UI

The application now supports rendering the user interface in multiple languages. Currently, the following languages are supported:

  • English (Default)

  • French

  • Italian

  • German

Browser Compatibility

The recommended browser for using Supervisor Tools application is Chrome 7072.0.x .

Open Issues 

SummaryRelated Feature/ Screen

For fetching schedule shifts on any previous month on the calendar, the user has to go to the first month of that year and then come forward to fetch the shift schedule on the calendar on the previous month

Business Calendars

Do not Press F5 or Ctrl+F5 on
these pages:

  • Easy Announcement
  • Business Calendar
  • Queue List

We recommend not to press F5/CTRL+F5 to refresh the
page. To refresh a list or see new changes, navigate from
some other page/list to the current page.from
some other page/list to the current page.

Marked for next release

No translation of months names in the calendar view

The month names are not translated in the calendar view in Announcements and Calendars

Marked for next release

Update error message

Ifan item hasbeencreatedonUCCXthathasa name less than 3 characters then upon updating the same from the EF application gives an update errorWhile creating an item in the application, the name should contain more than three characters. If the user tries to modify an item, with less than three characters in the name (created from CCX administration), the application throws an error.

Marked for next release
Skill level cannot be beeditededitedSkilllevel cannotbe edited

The skill level of a skill addedintoaCSQcannotbemodified

Marked for future release

Prompts having spaceswithintheirnamescannotbedownloaded

If you upload a prompt through UCCX which has spaces initsname,theapplicationwouldnotbeabletodownloadtheprompt.

Marked for next release

Important Notes/ Limitations

level of a skill added into aCSQ cannotbe modified

Marked for future release

Prompts having spaces within their names cannotbe downloaded

If you upload a prompt through UCCX which has spaces in its name, the applicationwould not be able todownload the prompt.

So always make sure that the prompts do not have spaces in their names.

Marked for next release

Important Notes/ Limitations

Supervisor Easy
  • Scripts
  • Applications iseditedfromCUCM addedin
    SummaryRelated Feature/ Screen

    The name of an item should not contain special characters or spaces while creating via Supervisor Tools app. If the user creates any such items in CCX, they cannot be modified later from the EF application.  

    All lists

    Only the UI elements including list names, titles and field names are translated. No data that will go into the database or sent to UCCX will be translated.

    All Application/Language

    Once a language is selected from the language selection menu, user needs to press F5 to apply the translation

    All Application/Language

    API responses are also shown in English

    API response

    When a user updates the shift schedule, the new updated schedule timings changes do not reflect on the calendar immediately.

    The user has to navigate to another some other page and come back to the calendar list page to see the changesupdates.




    If a A supervisor having no workspace tries is  not be able to log into theapplication,he/she will not beallowedtodo sounlessaworkspace isassignedtohim/her on to the application unless he is assigned a workspace by the administrator

    User Management

    Only the following pre-defined roles are supportedfor supported for UCCX

    • Junior Supervisor

    • Agent

    • Supervisor

    • Administrator

    In addition to these roles, user-defined roles can also be created as well

    User Management

    Every Currently, every user who has the CCX capability “supervisor”, and “agent” will become an authentic user ofSupervisorToolsCCX capability “supervisor” assigned along with “agent” is considered being a user of Supervisor Tools. Users of the following CCX capabilities (or combination of capabilities) are supported:

    • Agent, Supervisor
    • Agent, Supervisor, Administrator
    • Agent, Supervisor, Reporting
    • Agent, Supervisor, Administrator, Reporting

    Besides the UCCX-synced supervisors, local user accounts can
    alsobe created for custom roles and permissions.

    User Management

    On the first time deployment, each user synced from CCX will
    by default have the “Supervisor” role in Supervisor Tools.
    Note that the role changes from the EF application do not map with the "user capabilities" in CCX and are internal to the EF application

    User Management

    When a user logs in to the Supervisor Tools, he, by default, has the list view permissions, i.e. he can view all list pages but cannot take any actiontomodifythem.or combination of capabilities) are supported:

    • Agent, Supervisor

    • Agent, Supervisor, Administrator

    • Agent, Supervisor, Reporting

    • Agent, Supervisor, Administrator, Reporting

    User Management

    In addition to the UCCX Synced Supervisors, local users can now also be created.

    User Management

    On the first time deployment, each user synced from CCX will by default have the “Supervisor” role in Supervisor Tools. Note that the role changes in Supervisor do not map with user capabilities in CCX and are internal to Supervisor Tools application

    User Management

    The permission to upload an agent picture is mergedwith" All Agent List Operation" Permission. So, a user will upload the picture onlyifhe isassigned"AllAgents List Operation" permissionthe agent picture is now merged with the “All Agent List” permission. So, a user will be able to upload the agent picture only if he is assigned the “All Agents” permission.

    User Management

    When a user logs in, he has list read permissions on all the lists, but he can perform actions on those lists whose permission is assigned to him.

    User Management


    supervisor, by default, has access to the following screens:

    • Agents

    • CSQs

    • Announcements & Calendars

    • Prompts

    • Scripts

    • Applications

    User Management

    A Junior Supervisor has access to the following screens:

    • Agents

    • CSQs

    User Management

    An Admin has the access to all the above along with the

    • Users

    • System Settings (Skills, Agent groups, Regions, Preference Settings)

    • Workspaces

    User Management

    Whenever a newuserisaddedinCUCMnew user is added in CUCM, the “User list” needstoberefreshedtosee needs to be refreshed to see the newly added user

    User Management


    We do not


    recommend changing the id of an


     agent in CUCM

    User Management Ifan

    If an agent name

    is edited from CUCM, it will take time to synchronize with CCX. However, you might need to re-login to see the changes in the User list

    User Management

    In the Agents Agent list, an administratorwillbeable administrator will be able to see all agents (supervisors, administrators) in the system. However, for a supervisor, he’ll only see a list of agents who belong to his team

    Agent Management

    If a supervisor has no teams assigned, he’ll not be able to see any agents on the list

    Agent Management

    While uploading profile pictures, please notethatonlyJPEG imagesare note that only JPEG images are supported

    Agent Management

    At the moment, the “agentalias”isnotshownaspart “agent alias” is not shown as part of the agent profile

    Agent Management

    Whenever a new agent is

    added in CUCM, the Agent list


    to be refreshed to see the newly added agent

    Agent Management

    Resource-based queues arerepresentedin“green” colorwhileskillare represented in “green” color while skill-based queues areshownin“blue” are shown in “blue” color

    CSQ Management

    Spaces are


    not allowed in queue names

    CSQ Management

    For a resource-based queue, all the agents within the mapped resource group will appear as part of the queue. However, to
    see all the agents within a queue, you may need to refresh
    the page

    CSQ Management

    The agents added within a resource-based queue automatically become a part of the mapped resource group

    CSQ Management

    You can also manually add agents to the queue who are not a part of any other resource group

    CSQ Management

    Please note that changes to the order of agents within a queue, do not reflect no matter from where are those changes done, i.e. either made from CCX or from Supervisor Tools

    CSQ Management

    At the moment, you cannot upload zip files of prompts. However, you can upload files in bulk. To upload prompts in bulk, hold the CTRL button while selecting the prompts

    Prompts Management


    Note that you cannot upload a prompt file on the root folder

    Prompts Management

    Spaces in folder names and prompt names are neither allowed nor recommended since CCX APIs do not allow to add spaces in the names of the objects

    Prompts Management

    The application doesn’t allow to upload an already uploaded
    audio prompt

    Prompts Management

    The application always shows “Administrator” as the name of the owner who uploaded the prompt. This

    isbecauseall prompts areuploadedtoCCX

    is because all prompts are uploaded to CCX using admin credentials so, the name of the owner remains “Administrator”

    Prompts Management

    An admin can optionally attach a workspace to an easy

    Prompts Management

    Easy Announcements

    If an admin creates an easy announcement without selecting a workspace, that announcement will remain private to users having administrator role and would not be accessible for other supervisors. So supervisors could not change would not be able to make any changes to the announcement

    Easy Announcements

    While creating an announcement, if there is a mismatch between the service DN and the workspace selection, the supervisor of the

    workspacewillbeable to accessandmakechangestotheannouncement

    workspace will be able to access and make changes to the announcement. However, since the DN attached to the announcement is not a part of the supervisor’s workspace,

    thesupervisorwillnot be abletoseethe

    the supervisor will not be able to see the attached DN. For this reason,


    the supervisor will see a warning, “Limited access! Add one of the service DN’s of

    yourworkspaceinorder tomakechangestothisannouncement”

    your workspace in order to make changes to this announcement”

    Easy AnnouncementsIfan announcement

    If a recurrent announcement is deleted, the application will automatically delete all instances of the announcement

    Easy Announcements

    A supervisor with no workspace assigned can see all easy announcements

    Easy Announcements

    Ifascriptwhich If a script which is already attachedto attached to an application is renamed, UCCX won’t recognize it andso,youwill have to attach and so attach the script manually again, with the application. For this reason,  itisrecommended it is recommended that a script being used with an application shouldnotberenamedshould not be renamed

    Script Management

    You cannot upload a ZIP file of scripts and prompts. However, you can bulk upload the files

    Script Management

    Spaces in folder names are not allowedbecause allowed because CCX APIs do
    not allow to add spaces in the name

    Script Management

    Ifan application is created,andascript isassignedtoit, you cannot change the assigned script. However, the values of the script variablescanbe updated


    You cannot download a script from Supervisor Tools  interface

    Script Management

    If an application is created and it is assigned some script then it cannot be changed. Its variable values can be updated

    Application Management

    A script variable if deleted from scripts list interface should be
    manually set to NULL or "No prompt" (ifits a Prompt variable) no prompt in the CCX application to get it removed

    Applications Management

    Spaces in application names are not allowed

    Applications Management

    You cannot upload the "Default" default script in a CCX application using
    the from Supervisor Tools web interface

    Applications Management

    Make sure that the script attached to the application is valid.
    Supervisor Tools application cannot  cannot detect if the script attached is invalid

    Applications Management

    Being a supervisor while changing the script prompts, the supervisor would only see the prompts of his own workspace. However, ifadmindidnot specifyanypromptfolder if the admin did not specify any prompt folder while creating this workspace, thesupervisorwouldbe abletoseeall the supervisor would be able to see all prompts

    Applications Management

    If anadminmakeschangestoaworkspace

    If an admin makes changes to a workspace, i.e. adding/ removing a supervisor to/from a team, the changes will take effect on next login for that supervisor.

    Workspace Management

    If an admin does not associate an application and a service DN any applications, service DN’s to a workspace, the supervisor(s) of theworkspacewillnot be abletoseethe workspace will not be able to see/access any applications and service DN’s. However, if theadmindoesnot specifyanypromptsand the admin does not specify any prompts and scripts folders, the supervisor will have default permissions to all prompts and scripts

    Workspace Management

    If a region is being used with an easy announcement, you
    cannot delete the region

    Calendar Settings

    Spaces and special characters (except underscores) are notallowedinthe not allowed in the name of agent groups, skills, and regions

    Calendar Settings

    The application

    now supports high availability deployment

    is now highly available

    Redundancy Support

    Only UCCX Master Slavefailoverissupported. If UCCX node goesdown,thistype of failover is not supported.


    Full UCCX failover is supported

    UCCX failover support