Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


In the next section, we will discuss each feature in detail.

Features Detail

Available agent state controls are log in, Ready, Not-Ready and Logout.

Agent State Controls

Agent Login

Log in to an agent by providing agent credentials to access all agent controls.

Agent Logout

Log out from the agent controls bar to logout agent.

Change State

After login, an agent may change state to Ready or Not-Ready. During wrap up, an agent can change state to Ready/Not-Ready

Not Ready Reason (s)

Agent must specify one of the not ready reason codes to change the state to Not-Ready.

Logout Reason Code (s)

Agent must specify one of the logout reason codes upon Logout.

Wrap-up Reason Code (s)

An agent can select a wrap-up reason during the wrap-up/work time. Only one wrap up reason can be applied at a time. The wrap-up reason is applied to the call and is stored along with the call in tasks.


  • For every state a timer exists, that shows how much time has elapsed for the particular state


Call State Controls

  • Answer Call
  • End Call
  • Hold Call
  • Resume Call
  • Consult Call
  • Direct Transfer
  • Consult Transfer
  • Conference Call


In case of direct transfer/consult call/outbound call enter number in the bar below agent state. The number can be entered via directly accessing the input field for a number or through the dial pad icon located on the right side, adjacent to the green phone icon. For outbound call click the green icon with the phone at the right once you have entered the number to dial. For direct transfer/consult call enter number as explained above and press respective buttons that have been explained in the above diagram.

Agent states & CTI Controls

Below are agent states and available CTI controls against every state

State Name


Not Ready

  • Change ready state
  • Make Call
  • Logout


  • Change not ready state
  • Make Call


  • Answer Call

Dialing Call: Alerting

  • End Call

Call Active

  • End Call
  • Direct Transfer
  • Consult Transfer (if consult call is active)
  • Consult
  • Hold Call

Call Held

  • End Call
  • Retrieve Call

Consult Call Active

·         End Consult Call

  • Conference Call
  • Consult Transfer
  • Hold Call

Conference Call Active

  • End Call
  • Direct Transfer
  • Consult Call
  • Consult Transfer (if consult call is active)
  • Hold Call


  • Change ready/not-ready State

Logged out

  • Login

Screen Pop

When a call arrives on the logged-in agent, Account/Contact/Lead is popped up according to the caller number and information stored in Salesforce.

  1. If one record is matched, then that record will automatically pop up.
  2. If there is more than one matching record a contacts window will be displayed listing all matching records. If you want to open a particular record from the list, simply select that record and it will be popped up in the background window.
  3. If there is no match a Contact will be saved with the name set to ‘Anonymous’ and the number set to the caller number.


Click to Dial

Click to dial feature allows the user to select any number corresponding to a record (Account/Contact/Lead) and an outbound call will be initiated to that number.


Click to dial feature is enabled when an agent is successfully logged in to the Salesforce connector application. After enabling this feature, you can see the phone tab has been enabled as follows

Call Activity

A call activity is created at the end of the call for all call types except consulting calls. It contains information such as caller object, wrap-up reason, duration of the call, and call type and comments. The comments field displays the call type for the call. The task name is created as a combination of different attributes that are agent username, call id, and the current time. Call activities can be seen from the ‘Tasks’ tab at the top, it will show the activities in descending order i.e. latest activity will be at the top. Call activity will not be created if there are multiple matching records in the contact window and the user didn’t select any record. In the case of single matching or no matching record, it will be created automatically.


Note: Activity will not be created for consult call/consult call direct transfer (direct transferring consult call leg to Agent C).


Logs are associated with agents, meaning that they will be created for specific agents that will be logged in. They contain information about the agent states, dialogues states as well as the status of connection and API requests. Logs are updated in a log file every time a call ends. For every agent there can be a maximum of 10 log files, each log file can contain logs for up to 20 calls. After every 20 calls, logs will be maintained in the next log file. Log files are named based upon the agent username and the file counter.
