Solutions Pre-requisite
- Download the docker-compose an env file from Google-Drive
- Download the required deployment folder
- Create a folder on a Linux machine in any path of your inside root.
- Place the files inside the created folder as follows:
- Open env.txt file with text editor
- Make the desired changes and update the file
now run file and you can see after completion your docker image is running
- For Active MQ deployment
- For Rest deployment
- After that run the following commands to edit the ActiveMQ configuration
a. Go into the folder where the docker-compose file is placed
Code Block title Command cd /root/gc-docker-compose
b. Get the ActiveMQ image id by following command
Code Block title Command docker container ps -a
c. Enter the following set of commands to reach to the ActiveMQ configuration file (activemq.xml), and set the urls as in the following image
Code Block title Command docker exec -it e559c745598d63d0f353b533 shbash cd conf vim activemq.xml
- Add the server IP where the GC and ActiveMQ are running
- eg. server IP
Note title Note Note: If you wanted to know about vim command, Here is the detail.