The following sections elaborate more on the list of attributes exposed by the data services.
Queue Data Service
Attribute Filter
The data service allows creating dashboards based on call center skill groups for reporting statistics such as (number of calls answered, received, SLA, etc.). Hence, the following attribute filters are exposed to Queue service in case of CCE deployment:
It is mandatory to select the attribute filter to show some data on the wallboard. So the statistical data is then compiled/ accumulated based on one or multiple selected skill groups (or all skill groups for no selection).
Data Service Attributes
You can design the dashboard with the following exposed attributes of the data service:
Note |
- To view the real-time stats of call center agents (Ready, Not Ready, Talking), it is suggested to use the Agent Data Service with Pie/Doughnut (summary of ready, not ready states) and Data table (for individual agent stats) display types while viewing the stats team-wise. This is because since an agent can be a part of multiple skills, viewing agent states summary skill-group-wise might not depict the true picture of the call center.
- The statistical data for the Reporting Interval attributes either flush or is overwritten automatically when the reporting interval expires and the new interval starts. So if the stats in the new interval are 0, the data stats become 0. If the stats are updated, the updated stats in the new reporting interval would be displayed.
- Since the stats are reported based on call center skill groups, only calls that actually land on the skill groups are available for reporting.
- There’s a difference between “Reporting Interval” stats and “Historical” stats. The “Historical” stats are calculated based on the interval stats but are persistent in the DB. Such Historical stats are only available for Calls Answered/Abandoned/Received attributes of the Queue Data Service and can only be seen in the Line/Bar charts display types.
- The “Reporting Interval” stats only last for the reporting interval configured on CCE and are refreshed when the new data for the next interval becomes available. Those interval stats can be seen in Scorecards, Speedometer display types.
Agent Data Service
Attribute Filter
The application shows the following attribute filters for Agent service in case of CCE deployment:
- Team: This lists all CCE teams in the CCE database.
Data Service Attributes
You can design the dashboard with the following exposed attributes of the data service: