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Dashboards and Wallboards
Dashboards and Wallboards


Field NameDescription Required
Title of the GadgetGive the name of the gadget hereYes
Selection of Data Source

Choose the data service/data source to pull the data. The application comes with two built-in data services for displaying call center stats; 


Select Attributes to Display

Choose the attributes to be displayed in the gadget. This lists all attributes exposed by the selected data service. The info icon against each attribute provides a brief help text for the attribute description.  

By default, the application restricts the number of attributes to be displayed in each display type:

  • Speedometer: Select only one attribute of data type % (In the default data services, this relates only to the queue SLA and is relevant only for the Queue data service) for the UCCX. See Integration Specifications with CCX  for more details about SLA formula calculation. There are two attributes for the UCCE based deployment that is SLA (5m) and SLA interval.
  • Pie/Doughnut: Select only one attribute. Although you may select any attribute here, it makes more sense to pick attributes that can have a predefined list of responses. (In the default data services, this plots the Current state of agents and is used more with the Agent data service.
  • Line/Bar Chart: At most three attributes. In the case of the Data Comparison flag set to Yes, this restricts to the selection of only one attribute and shows data comparison against the single attribute for the last 24 hours or past week. Users can also choose the color of the attributes.  See more about the Data Comparison flag below.
  • Scorecards: This display types allow selecting a maximum of 16 attributes for UCCX and 17 attributes for UCCE. For this gadget, the cards automatically occupy the space available in the gadget to give a more readable view. Font sizes are changed to variable units for data cards and will change according to the available screen width/height. However, the font sizes are applied based on the maximum number of cards that can appear in a gadget. Therefore, in some cases, the font size may seem to be small but it is adjusted according to the maximum number of cards that may appear in the gadget. The screen resolutions tested against this change are:
    • 1920x1080
    • 1366x768
  • Data Table: In the data table, you can select a maximum of 6 attributes. Each attribute corresponds to a column in the table for an Agent Data service.
Attribute Labels

These are the user-defined labels of attributes exposed by the data service. Give a different label or name to data attributes according to your convenience. If not defined, the default labels will appear.

This option only appears for the following display types:

  • Scorecards 
  • Data Table
Attribute Thresholds

Define here the threshold values for certain attributes. You can define thresholds on two levels: i) Warning: For a warning or an alert situation ii)  Error: To indicate a critically-alarming situation. Also, choose a color for each threshold value which determines the color code of the attribute value when the threshold is met.

While defining the threshold, select the operator Above or Below as threshold criteria. 

When you select Above, the application assumes the threshold to be breached only if the current value of the attribute is greater than the defined threshold values. Similarly, if you select Below, the threshold is assumed to be breached if the current value of the attribute goes lower than the threshold values.

This option only appears for the following display types: 

  • Scorecards 
  • Data Table

This remains disabled by default.


Choose an icon from a predefined list of icons, to show the attribute card with an iconic presentation.

This is valid only for the scorecard display type.

Attribute Order 

Define the order in which the attributes must be listed on the final gadget display. While selecting the attributes and giving the order, make sure to provide valid order values based on the number of selected attributes 

If not defined explicitly, the application automatically assigns an order to each attribute based on the order of selection.

This is valid only for the following display types:

  • Scorecards 
  • Data Table
Attributes Filter 

This is the filter to populate the appropriate, desired data in the gadget. Each data service exposes a filter based on which the data should be displayed. 

For the built-in data services, the attribute filters exposed are Queue and Team, for Queue and Agent microservices respectively. This means that the data is shown based on a CSQ or an agent team for the UCCX and this is shown based on a Skillgroup or an agent team for the UCCE, Based on the attribute filter, you can then filter out the statistics against one or multiple queues or one or multiple teams. In case of no selection of queues or teams, the application automatically accumulates statistical data across all queues or teams.

Daily/Weekly Data Comparison

This is valid only in the case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes.  

If set to Yes, this allows you to see the data comparison for a single attribute in the past hours or past weeks based on the selected Resolution type. In the case of Bar charts, the bars that appear represent the past hours (of today and yesterday) or weeks (this week and previous week).  

If set to No, you can select multiple attributes from the available list to see lines or bars for each different attribute. 

By default, this flag is set to Yes.


This is valid only in the case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes.

Following data resolution types are supported:

  • Hourly: Displays data in the form of hours of the day 
  • Weekly: Calculates and shows data in the form of days of the week

By default, this is selected to Weekly resolution.


This selection appears only for the Speedometer gadget.
It has two options,

  • -100 to +100
  • 0 to 100

You may choose the speedometer needle range here. Choosing -100 to +100 shows the extreme two positions of the needle at -100 and +100, whereas choosing 0 to 100 is more relative for displaying SLA (or any attribute whose value may fall between 0 to 100).

X-Axis Salutation 

This is valid only in the case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes.

Provide the labels to be displayed on the X-axis of the graph.

Y-Axis Salutation

This is valid only in the case of Line and Bar chart display types and for historical data attributes.

Provide the labels to be displayed on the Y-axis of the graph.

Aggregation Type

The following types of data aggregation are supported:

  • Sum: Calculates the sum of all values of an attribute for all selected teams/queues/skill groups. 
  • Average: Calculates the average against all values of an attribute. This is the default aggregation type for the Speedometer, all scorecards variations, line charts, and bar charts.
  • Count: Calculates the number of occurrences of one value of an attribute against the complete data set. This is the default aggregation type for Doughnut and Pie Charts. For instance, in a doughnut chart, counts the number of agents who are in the "Ready", "Not Ready" or "Talking" state. 

In the case of showing accumulated data of multiple (or all) queues or teams, this determines that the data aggregation should be done based on Sum, Average, or Count.

This is not valid for the Data Table display type, since this type does not show group or aggregate values of attributes but shows individual rows for each queue or team. 

Greeting Message Title

This is the title of the greeting message to be shown on the Greeting Message gadget. This can take any string of 100 characters such as "Good Day". 

You can optionally also choose the font color of the greeting title.

This is valid only for the Greeting Message Gadget.

Greeting Message Text

This is valid only for the Greeting Message Gadget.

Write a greeting message here that you want to display on the dashboard or wallboard. You can optionally also choose the font color and font size between 14px to 36px of the greeting message.

Text Box Message Text 

This is valid only for the Text Message Gadget.

Write a plain text message here that you want to display on the dashboard or wallboard such as a notification or team announcement.

You can optionally also choose the font color and font size between 14px to 36px of the text message, you can also choose the background color of the gadget.

