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Solution Prerequisites


Minimum requirement


2 cores vCPU (4 cores for non-HA deployment)


4 GB (8 GB for non-HA deployment)


100 GB mounted on /



Software Requirements

Installation Steps

Internet should be available on the machine where the application is being installed and connections on port 9242 should be allowed in the network firewall to carry out the installation steps. Trailing # is not a part of the command.


  1. Download the deployment script and place it in any directory. This script will:
    1. delete the ecm-deployment directory in the present working directory if it exists.
    2. clone the ecm-deployment repository from gitlab in the present working directory.
  2. To execute the script, give it the execute permissions and execute it. (on RHEL, run commands with sudo)

    Code Block
    # chmod +x
    # ./

  3. Update environment variables  in the following files inside ecm-deployment/docker/environment_variables folder.


    Update these variables for ECM in the environment-variables.env

    NameDescriptionDo not change the default values for non-HA deployment. For HA, use SQL server cluster settings instead of the defaults.DB_URL

    Database connection url

    For example:

    DB_USERdatabase userDB_PASSdatabase passwordDB_DRIVERJDBC driver e.g., net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.DriverDB_DIALECTDatabase dialect e.g., org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008DialectChange the following variables for ECM servicesDATABASE_ENGINEsqlServerUCCX_HRDB_PASSWORDUCCX reporting user database password, only used of UCCX deploymentsSYNC_ENABLEDYESSYNC_INTERVAL

    Interval in minutes between every sync job, default is 5

    FEED_INTERVALInterval in minutes between every sync job, default is 1FETCH_DELAY2, do not change.OUTDATED_INTERVAL24, this is number of hours a contact is closed in ECM with Dangling status if it is not synced REDUNDANT_DEPLOYMENTDecides if synchronizer deployment is redundant. Set it to "true". Holds strings "true" or "false". Default is false INSTANCE_NAMEUsed for differentiation of instances when deployed redundant, could be any string. It should be different on both machines.UCCE_SHARED_PATH_DOMAINDialer import folder machine domainUCCE_SHARED_PATH_USERDialer import folder machine usernameUCCE_SHARED_PATH_PASSWORDDialer import folder machine passwordUCCE_SHARED_PATH_IPDialer import folder machine IP


  4. Update the following UMM environment variables in the same file.

    Change the following variables as per your environment For UMM

    Primary Finesse URL including port (if not 80 or 443)

    For example:


    Secondary Finesse URL including port (if not 80 or 443)

    For example:

    FINESSE_USERFinesse administrator user
    FINESSE_PASSFinesse administrator password
    UMM_DB_URLUMM Database
    UMM_DB_DRIVERUMM Database driver


    UMM Database dialect
    UMM_DB_PASSUMM Database password
    UMM_DB_USERUMM Database username


    The password of the admin user

    it should be set to 'false' by default. No need to change this.


    Path of the SSL truststore including the name. This truststore should include UCCX SSL certificates if Finesse APIs needed to access via HTTPS
    SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORDTruststore password
    Change the following variables for Frontend (ECM and UMM)

    Provide the URL of Umm :

    For Example

    In the case of HA, machine_IP should be the virtual IP of HA

    CISCO_TYPEUCCE/UCCX (capital case without quotes) 
    it should be set to 'false' by default. No need to change this.
    No need to change its default value

    http://<MACHINE-IP or FQDN>:PORT

    For Example

    66:7676/PCSPCS_USERNAMEdatabase usernamePCS_PASSWORDdatabase password

  5. Get domain/CA signed SSL certificates for ecm FQDN/CN and place the files in ecm-deployment/docker/certificates folder. The file names should be server.crt and server.key.
  6. Copy the ecm-deployment directory to the second machine for HA. Execute below command 

    Code Block
    # scp -r ecm-deployment root@machine-ip:~/

  7. Go to the second machine and update the environment variables where necessary like INSTANCE_NAME and SERVER_URL

  8. Execute the following commands inside the ecm-deployment directory on both machines.

    Code Block
    # chmod 755
    # ./

  9. Run the following command to ensure that all the components are up and running. The screenshot below shows a sample response for a standalone non-HA deployment. 

    Code Block
    # docker ps
